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* * 初二英语阅读课 “Bill Gates” 教案设计 教学目的:采用“任务型”的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力。 教学模式: 泰勒发展多种才能的创造性思维教学模式 教学理论依据: 泰勒发展多种才能的创造性思维教学模式的核心内容 --- 坚持教学的开放性、发现性、自由选择和多样性。重视学生在教学中的主体地位、独立性和自主性。鼓励学生在集体讨论中求新求异。 教学要求:学生着重掌握英语阅读理解技能,学会运用英语进行有效的交际。 ? Teaching Plan Junior English Book II Lesson 90 Bill Gates Step 1: Lead in 1.Reading Material: Computer Age 2.Discussing Question: What can we use computer ? Step 2: Reading 1.???? Fast reading: main idea ( the whole class ) 2.???? Intensive reading: get useful information (self-study in groups) 3.???? Exercise: T / F sentences Ask Answer Retell the story --- Bill Gates Step 3: Reporting --- Bill Gates Suggested subjects: his childhood / his hard work / a great computer scientist / a successful businessman Step 4: Discussion Role play Your parents think you spend too much time on internet. You have to tell them what you are doing when you go online. Step 5: Homework Make a research. ( You may interview your teachers / your classmates / your parents . Ask for their opinions about how to deal with the problem of over-using computer. And what do you think of it? You will have to hand in your report in a week. ) ? ? We live in the “computer age”. Just 35 years ago,computers couldn’t do much. They were very big and costly. They used a lot of energy. Only few people were interested in them. Today computers are smaller and cheaper. They can do so much difficult work. Computers become important in many reasons. They work faster than man and make fewer mistakes. They can “remember”so much information. A computer can do millions of problems in a few seconds. A person might need years to work out so many problems. People now use computers in nearly every kind of work – finding lost things, guiding trains and planes, managing telephone calls and traffic lights. People also began to use small computers in schools and homes. Computers are very useful


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