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Unit5 What’s your hobby? Lead-in (Unit 5, Page 67, Activity 3) (以下是关于爱好的一些种类,老师可选取词组组织学生对话练习) play rugby play volleyball play tennis play table tennis play baseball play badminton play soccer play football play piano play violin play chess play poker play computer games watch TV watch movies ride horse ride bike read read books read magzine read novel collect stamps collect coins stay at home go fishing go shopping climb mountain sing dance travel hike run swim hunt jog(jogging) hiking (拓展主要句型 I like doing something) I like watching movies. I like riding horse. (可用背景介绍page 67 Lead-in Activity 1, 2, 3)  徒步旅行:(hiking)这个词语最早是用来指19世纪60年代在尼泊尔的远足旅行,从那以后徒步旅行就开始流行了起来。 徒步旅行就是指沿着山间小径行走,徒步旅行和登山还是有区别的,徒步旅行线路可长可短。由于可欣赏沿途的自然风光和人文景观,及一路上的奇花异草、珍禽异兽,徒步旅行深受人们的喜爱。 徒步旅行中山景也许是最吸引人的,但美丽的小山村,整洁的山野,引人入胜的庙宇也别具一格。当然,你的徒步旅行同伴也是快乐旅行的一个重要原因,旅行能够增进朋友之间的情谊 Hiking is an outdoor activity which consists of walking in natural environments, often on hiking trails. Movies:(可用于词汇拓展)   action movie/ kung fu 功夫片    war movie 战争片    science fiction movie 科幻片    thriller 悬念片    adventure film 惊险片    cartoon movie 卡通片    tragedy 悲剧    comedy 喜剧(趣味文化阅读)Music:美国的几种主要音乐类型。Countrywestern music、 Jazz 、Blue   James Fenimore Cooper, an early American writer, once said, The Americans are almost ignorant of the art of music. If that was once true, you would never know it today. Most Americans——even those without a musical bone in their bodies——have a favorite style of music. Many people enjoy classical and folk music from around the world. But other popular music styles in America were made in the U.S.A.   一位美国早期的作家柯柏(James Fenimore Cooper)曾说:「美国人对音乐艺术几乎可以说是相当的无知。」如果这话曾经是事实,今日你绝不会这么认为了。大部份的美国人,甚至包括那些没有音乐细胞的人,都有自己喜爱的音乐型态。许多人喜欢世界各国的古典音乐和民俗音乐,然而美国其它的流行音乐则是「在美国制造」的。   Country and western music lies close to the heart of many Americans. This style originated among country folks in the southern and western United States. Country music tells down-to-ear



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