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Bifidobacterium in the other bacteria we work with. There are over than 30 Bifidobacterium discovered so far, all gram positive, non-spore forming and different the others obligate anaerobic bacteria commonly present in the large insteine of animals and humans. The main substrate in this case is mono and di oligosaccharides. It has been widely included in yogurt formulas once it prevents its potential benefits against infantile diarrhea, lactose intolerance, colorectal cancer and constipation. Also, studies showed the ability to survive up to 6 weeks in the large intestine. * The last bacteria is Enterococcus which there are more than 12 species discovered. It also a gram positive and facultative anaerobe bacteira commonly found in large and small intestine, but also found in soil,. Vegetation, and water. Good ability to survive in lower pHs. * After many years of research it is clear that DFM bacteria colonize the small and large intestine attaching to the epithelium cells, digesta, and mucus layer, enhance gut health, promote digestion, and prevent opportunistic infections. Different strains have unique biological activity, different sites of adhesion and it is normally specie-specific. As we can see in the image Lactabacillus and Enterococcus marked as in red and blue are facultative anaerobic bacteria having more affinity and ability to survive the small intestine, while Bifidobacterium strict colonize the large intestine once it is an obligate anaerobic. Microbial colonization of intestinal tract takes place immediately after the animal starts to ingest food. However, the mode of action still not clear but possible mode of actions are the followed: * The mode of action still unknown but some possible modes of action have been elucidated. DFM bacteria creates an unfavorable gut environment for the pathogenic bacteria by the release of different fermentation substances which decrease gut pH and inhibit the attachment, replication, and action of them. The most c


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