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2010高考新增词汇 acceptable /?k?sept?bl/ a.值得接受的可接受的(社会上)认同的socially acceptable behavior 社会上所能容忍的行为’t think it’s acceptable for children to interrupt all the time.我只是认为,小孩总是打断别人的话是不可接受的。 all right a &ad不错, 好, 行 Will you join us? All right. 你想加入我们吗? 好的。 assignment /??sa?nm?nt/ n.分配;任务;作业 homework assignments家庭作业 to receive an assignment接受一项任务 I have a lot of assignments to complete. 我有很多作业要完成。 bake /be?k/ v. 烘焙; 焙干;烧硬 to bake bread烤面包 to bake bricks烧砖 The sun baked ground hard. 太阳把大地晒得坚硬。 beginning /b??ɡ?n??/ n.. 开始 in the beginning当初, 开始时 at the beginning of在...初 from beginning to end从头到尾 blonde /bl?nd/ n. 金发碧眼的女人 My younger brother married a blonde. 我弟弟娶了个白肤金发碧眼的女人。 ?bukl?t/ n.小册子; 目录单 a booklet on aids爱滋病手册 a stamp booklet小本票 Detailed instructions are included in the booklet.小册子中有详细说明。 bump /b?mp/ vt.撞击n.碰撞; 肿块,隆起 to bump into a tree撞在树上 a bump on the road路上的土包 I bumped my head on the shelf as I stood up. 我站起身时头撞到了架子。 cancer /?k?ns?/ n. 癌, 毒瘤 stomach cancer 胃癌 liver cancer 肝癌?ke?pb?bl/ adj. 有能力的;能容纳的 a capable leader有能力的领导 a room capable of 20 people 可容纳20人的房间 He is capable of winning the game. 他能赢得这场比赛 career /k??r??/ n. 事业, 生涯 a career woman职业妇女an advertising career广告事业 ’t last long. 他的英语教师生涯没持续多久。 charity /?t??r?t?/ n. 慈善, 施舍, 慈善团体 to raise money for charity为慈善集资 a charity performance义演 The heart has four chambers 心脏有四个心室 chase /t?e?s/ v & n. 追赶, 追击 to chase the cat away把猫赶走 a car chase一场汽车追逐 claim /kle?m/ v & n. (根据权利)要求;认领;声称;需要;夺走 claim a reward索求回报 a hurricane that claimed two lives. 飓风夺走了两个生命 He claimed that he had done the work without help.他声称没有得到帮助而完成了这项工作。 clause /kl?:z/ n.分句,从句,条款,款项an attributive clause一个定语从句additional clause to an agreement合同附加条款 Please pay attention to this clause in the sentence. 请注意看句中的这个从句。 /?kla??nt/ n. 顾客, 客户, 委托人 to meet with an important client 与一位重要客户会晤 She advises clients on their investments. 她为客户提供投资建议。 clue /klu:/ n.线索 search/look for a clue 寻找线索 give a clue to sth.提供关于某事的线索 There is no clu


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