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Unit 7 Not on My Block By Lynn Rosellini New Words Stoop: n. porch with steps in front of a house 门廊 The stoop is big enough to sit on. v. bend the body forward or downward She stooped to pick a flower. 她弯下腰来摘一朵花 Peer: v. look closely, as if unable to see well She peers through the mist, trying to find the right path. 她透过迷雾眯着眼看,想找出正确的路。 peer at 凝视着… peer through 通过…凝视 peer into 从…后面往外看 glance, stare peer 辨析: 这几个都是动词,都有“看,看见”之意。 glance 指被某人或某事物所吸引或在匆忙中短暂地看, 即“瞥视”“匆匆一看”. stare 意为“盯着”“凝视”,指出于好奇,惊讶,茫然或赞叹等原因而瞪大眼睛长时间、直接地注视。 peer 通常指半闭着眼睛或眯着眼睛看,含有好奇或难以看清的意味。 Vacant: a. empty; not occupied 空的;未占用的 If that room is vacant, we can practice there 如果那个房间空着,我们可以在那儿练习 empty, vacant blank 辨析 这几个词都是形容词,都有“空的,空着的”之意: empty 主要表示某空间没有人或物。 vacant 通常只限于指没有人占据的地方或位置。 blank 指上面没有字迹或其他标记。 Stream: n. small narrow river; constant movement of liquid, persons, things, etc. 小河;川流不息; 人、车)流 Visitors to the exhibition came in an endless stream. 来参观展览会的人络绎不绝。 v. move in large numbers They streamed out of the cinema. 人们涌出电影院。 Occupy: vt. take up, fill space, time, attention, farm, country, town, etc 占据;居住; The house is occupied. Work will occupy your mind and help you forget about him. be occupied in/with… 使…忙于,使…从事 occupation: 占领;职业 ,该词除了表示“占领”外,还有“职业”之意。 Rage: vi. Continue with a lot of force, violence, or angry arguments 激烈地进行;盛行;肆虐 Outside a great storm was raging. 屋外狂风大作。 n.狂怒 fly into a rage 勃然大怒 Disperse: v. cause to separate and go in different directions 驱散;(使)散开 The policemen dispersed the crowd. 警察驱散了人群。 The fog was dispersing. 雾正在消散 Drift: vi. To go somewhere without any plan or purpose; to move slowly on water or in the air 随意走动;漂;飘 Many country girls drifted into cities to seek work. 许多农村女孩流入城市找工作。 The boat drifted down the river. 船顺水漂流而下。 n. a drift of snow sand, leaves 吹积成的一堆雪(沙,树叶) addicted Confront: Face boldly; come face to face 勇敢地面对;(困难等)临到…头上 They confronted the prisoner with his accusers. 他们让犯人与原告对质。 property: n 1 estate; area of land or lan


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