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New Words engaged [in5geid?d] a.忙碌的,使用中的 picnic [5piknik] n. 野餐 invitation [7invi5teiFEn] n. 请柬,邀请 casual [5kAVjuEl] a. 非正式的,随便的;偶然的 pants [pAnts] n. 裤子,宽松的裤子 potluck [5pCt5l?k] n. 家常便饭 punch [p?ntF] n. 果汁、酒等做的混合饮料 automatically [7C:tE5mAtikli] ad. 自动地 program [5prEugrAm] vt. 输入指令(信息) *beep [bi:p] vi. 哔哔 (声) Patterns and Expressions ball game 球类活动; 球类比赛 Hold the line, please. 请别挂断电话。 on business 出差 change one’s mind 改变主意 a side dish 正菜以外的附加菜 Hello. This is…speaking/calling. 喂,你好,我是…… Who is that?请问您是哪位? I’d like to speak to…, please.我想找一下…… take a message for sb./leave a message捎?/?留口信 Could you have her call me back?能让她给我回个电话吗? I’m afraid that you have the wrong number.您打错了。 Part I Understand the Statements Directions: You will hear six short statements. After you hear a statement, read the four choices quickly and choose the one which is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Each statement will be spoken twice. Part I Understand the Statements 1. A. Simon’s work was to answer telephones when they rang. B. Simon was busy working with a telephone. C. Simon never answers the telephone during work. D. Simon didn’t answer the phone because he was busy working. 2. A. I made a phone call to the old man’s son named Steve. B. I told Steve that I only saw a poor old man. C. Steve called to tell me that the poor old man was his father. D. Steve was only one of the sons of the poor man. 3. A. Martha came to see her ill daughter. B. Martha said on the phone that her daughter was ill. C. Martha cried and said that her daughter was ill. D. Martha called her daughter to say that she was ill. Part I Understand the Statements 4. A. I forgot her telephone number. B. I found her phone number in a book. C. I wrote down her phone number in my book. D. I saw she had written her phone number in my book. 5. A. I went out with Kate in the morning. B. I went out to call Kate this morning. C. Kate calle


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