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Integrated Skills of English Lectured by Betty Where the Sun Always Rises Unit 2 Where the Sun Always Rises P1 Listening and speaking Activities P2 Reading comprehension and    Language Activities P3 Extended Activities P1 Listening and speaking Activities 1 Brainstorming 2 The woman on the hilltop 3 Changes in the countryside 4 Pick your favorite 5 Look at the other side of the picture 1 Brainstorming Work with your group to think out as many words/phrases/expressions as possible about country life and the changes. Write them down in the blanks below Expressions of natural phenomena Expressions of flowers Expressions of trees Expressions of countryside animals/insects Verbs for talking about the countryside/changes (of life) Expressions of natural phenomena dawn, sunrise, twilight, sunset, moonlit, mist, fog, rain, snow, storm, hail, flowering, budding Expressions of flowers lily, rose, tulip, gardenia, daisy, daffodil, chrysanthemum (mum), poinsettia, violet, sunflower, cactus Expressions of trees pine, willow, poplar, fir, plane tree, magnolia, redwood Expressions of countryside animals/insects sheep, pig, buffalo, cow, bull, deer, goat, lizard, cicada, butterfly, dragonfly, frog, tadpole, ant, bee, termite, wasp, mosquito, fly, beetle, cricket, grasshopper Verbs for talking about the countryside/changes (of life) (The trees/flowers) blossom in April, (Morning) awakens at the crack of the day, (The leaves) decay in winter. (The little pond) sparkles in the sun, (Early morning mist) disappears with the sunrise, (The wind) wanes / dies away, (The storm) subsides, (The flood water) recedes, (The garden) thrives after rain, (Changes) bring new life into the village; (Old occupations) die / disappear / are replaced by …, (New entertainment) comes into being. (Village life) declines / is gone forever. (Automobiles / Machinery) sweep(s) away … 2 The woman on the hilltop Listen to the recording and answer the following questions a. Why do s


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