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专升本中期选拔英语试题训练Part I Vocabulary and Structure 1. As smoking ______ health, you ‘d better give it up. A. affects B. causes C. effects D. influences 2. Don’t let me ______ your decision; you are old enough to decide for yourself. A. affect B. cause C. effect D. influence 3. Very few people ______ the immediate effects of the explosion. A. survival B. survived C. alive D. lived 4. A newspaper has once ______ that he is the only witness. A. revealed B. revolved C. informed D. told 5. The search party still could not decide on the ______ of the sunken ship. A. place B. location C. direction D. situation 6. According to the doctor, the old lady was in a helpless ______. A. spot B. location C. place D. situation 7. A basic two-hour first aid course would ______ you to deal with any of these happenings. A. assign B. supply C. apply D. equip 8. She earns a high ______ as an accountant. A. salary B. income C. money D. payment 9. There has been a recent ______ in that country towards part-time employment. A. feature B. trend C. action D. character 10. Dr. Smith was once on the ______ of the hospital near our college. A. staff B. employees C. employers D. employment 11. My ______ reaction was to take a couple of rapid steps backwards. A. possessive B. instructive C. efficient D. effective 12. She has her likes and ______, as we all have. A. dislikes B. feelings C. senses D. emotions 13. Because he was very poor, he couldn’t ______ to rent this flat. A. spend B. afford C. feel D. think 14. The basic necessities of life are food, _______ and clothing. A. shelter B. earth C. water D. air 15. It was ______ how badly paid these


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