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* * 复习名词 教学目标: 掌握名词复数的变化规则及 名词所有格的用法。 教学难点: 名词中近义词的辨别。 教学方法: 归纳法与操练法。 英语中的名词按其所表示的事物的性质可分为两大类:可数名词和不可数名词。 ?可数名词有单复数之分.单复数的变化规则看课本。 中考考点聚焦 表示人事物和抽象概念等的词叫名词。名词是历年各省中考必考知识点。英语中名词数量繁多,本节采用归纳复习:对名词数和格等难点和考点进行复习。中考考察所涉及的内容有:名词复数的构成, 名词的所有格,可数名词与不可数名词的用法及近意词辨析等。 Attention ? 不可数名词不能用a/ an 修饰,无复数。 ?复合名词的复数形式 复合名词的复数形式有两种情况: ⑴ 将最后部分变为复数形式,例如: girl friend → girl friends 女友 schoolboy → schoolboys 男生 school teacher → school teachers 中小学教师 (2) 将两个部分都变为复数形式,常见的以man, woman为第一部分的复合名词。 例如:man doctor → men doctors 男医生 woman singer → women singers 女歌手 常见到的不可数名词除食品和饮料外还有: knowledge sunlight/sunshine rubbish litter music food news information confidence fun weather money work medicine chalk paper(纸) room(空间) traffic moonlight candlelight scenery advice progress health luck furniture traffic Write out the plurals of the following nouns. 1. baby 6.Chinese 2.tooth 7.German 3.potato 8. human 4.child 9.Indian 5.monkey 10.bamboo Fill the following blanks with the right forms of the given words. 1.There’re a number of _______( sheep ) eating grass on the grassland. 2.Spring is here.The _____( leaf ) on the trees come out. 3._______and _________ ( lady , gentleman ) , you’re welcome to the party. 4.Match the _______( half ) of the sentences to get complete ones. 5.Last night ,a food accident happened in the restaurant . Luckily, no _______ ( life ) were lost. babies teeth potatoes children monkeys Chinese Germans humans Indians bamboos sheep leaves Ladies gentlemen halves lives 6.There’s some amazing _______( news ) in today’s China Youth Daily. Have you read it ? 7. Two ______( month) is quite a long


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