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学号: 1012172023 (四号黑体) 谈油画教学中的造型问题 专业名称: 美术学 年级班别: 08级油画班 姓 名: 王琳琳 指导教师: 林培德 2012年05月 谈油画教学中的造型问题 摘 要 乔·雷诺兹照搬自然景色是绝对画不出传世之作的油画的发展过程经历了古典、近代、现代几个时期,油画受着不同时期时代的艺术思想支配和技法的制约,呈现出不同的面貌。作为一种艺术语言,油画包括色彩、线条、明暗笔触、质感、光感、肌理、空间、构图等多项造型因素,油画技法的作用在于将侧重单项地或各项造型因素综合地体现出来,Talk About In The Teaching Of Oil Painting Modelling Problem Abstract:Joe ? Reynolds: copying the natural scenery is absolutely no masterpieces of painting made. Paintings can be seen teaching the importance of shape factors. The development process of oil painting through classical, modern, modern a few times, oil painting is being affected by different periods, the eras artistic and ideological constraints of domination and techniques, showing a different look. As an artistic language, painting, including color, line, shading, brush strokes, texture, light feeling, texture, space, composition and many other form factors, oil painting techniques role is will focus on the individual or in the form factors embodied in , all the plastic arts are inseparable from its own inherent form of things. In creating a work of art is the first thought when the physical image of the shape, because modeling is the main framework of the work of art is the backbone of artistic creation, modeling of the formal beauty of the plastic arts played a leading role in the generation styling with individual artists artistic culture complement each other. Key words :The plastic arts、Forms、Artistic language 前 言 “美术”本身就是“造型艺术”,我们自从学习绘画开始,就一直在学习和加强自己的“造型能力”,油画更要去强调造型的严谨,造型,顾名思义,塑造物体特有形象;也指创造出的物体形象。 造型是画面的“动脉”,有表达价值的造型肯定是形神兼备的。在油画写生过程中,塑造某种视觉形态能够反映艺术家想要表达的某种意图。作为一个平常的人,我们都具有平常人观察世界,认识世界的能力与方法,也可以调整自己所在的位置,然而作为一个受过现行美术教育训练的美术工作者,我们所观察,认识的物体的形象,都可以被定格在“科学”这个代名词上,它是被严格规范的,用焦点透视法去塑造物体的形象。塑造对象即在平面上把握形象特点,表现空间的形、体,变自然形象为艺术形象。控制画面,创造个性化形象,再现对象、完美共享即把现实对象植入画面后与画面其他


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