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初中英语同步导学初中一年级下Unit3 Reading 在各组单词中找出重读位置不同的一个; ( )1. A. reception B. question C. minute D. athlete ( )2. A. fireman B.explain C. listen D. engine ( )3. A.manager B.against C. bottom D. suddenly ( )4. A.perfume B. different C. asleep D.restaurant ( )5. A. useful B. deli。cious C. allow D.hotel 词汇练习。 A. 用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. The baby is ____________(sleep). Please be quiet. 2. The phone is _____________(die). It doesn’t work. 3. For your __________(safe), please don’t push. 4. Listen! I can hear a dog __________(bark). 5. We use our brain for ____________(think). B.根据所给的首字母,完成下列句子。 1. John is the m________ of the hotel. 2. When there is a fire, try to find the fire e____________. 3. A good sense of smell is u______ for a perfume maker. 4. A group of f__________ came after the fire alarm went off. 5. Our team will play a __________ Class 2 on Friday. 根据中文提示完成下列句子(每条横线只填一个单词) 音乐家通常有好的听觉。 Musicians usually have ________ ________ ________ ________. 几分钟之后,消防员出现了。 A few minutes later, fireman ________ ________. 如果我们不能保持平衡,就会摔倒。 If we can’t ________ ________ ________,we’ll ________ ________. 安全第一,请不要在马路上玩耍。 ________ ________. Please don’t play in the street. 这所房子属于谁的? Who does the house ________ ________? 课文理解。 John F. Dancer was b ________, so his dog, Charlie, was his e ________. One day, he stayed in a hotel with Charlie. When he was a ________, he heard his dog b ________ loudly and he s ________smoke. S ________later, the fire alarm went off. He wanted to call the police, but the phone was d ________. He had to lie on the floor and wait. Minutes later, he heard the sound of a fire e ________. A fireman s ________ up, so John and Charlie were s ________. Listening 在各组单词中找出划线部分读音不同的词。 ( )1. A.programme B. welcome C. mostly D. nose ( )2. A.hear B.dear C.bear D. near ( )3. A.deaf B.bread C. lead D. dead ( )4. A.towel B. know C.


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