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The Great Depression and Roosevelt’s “ New Deal” Great Depression TIME:1929.10-1933 PLACE: From New York to the Whole world SYMBOL: Great Crash The core of the problem: It had been the immense disparity between the country’s productive power and the American people’s ability to consume. Black Thursday (1929.10.24) The New York Stock Market failed What is inflation? When prices increase and the dollar buys less What were 4 effects of the Great Depression? Unemployment and homelessness increased Bank Closings -- the collapse of the nation’s financial system Political Unrest Farm Foreclosures 图中的牌子上写道:“100美元可买下这辆轿车,在股市上丧失了一切,急需现钞。” Impact of the Great Depression Many banks , shops and companies closed down. Millions of people lost their jobs. Agriculture got worse and worse. Great quantities of milk were poured into the river , and many products were destroyed while the people went hungry and unemployed. The economy reached bottom in the winter of 1932–33. Three years into the depression, Herbert Hoover lost the 1932 presidential election. Franklin Roosevelt defeated Hoover in a landslide . Roosevelts economic recovery plan, the New Deal, instituted unprecedented programs for relief, recovery and reform, and brought about a major realignment of American politics. Franklin Delano Roosevelt January 30, 1882?– April 12, 1945), also known by his initials,?FDR, was the?32nd?President of the United States?(1933–1945) and a central figure in world events during the mid-20th century, leading the United States during a time of worldwide economic depression and total war. A dominant leader of the?Democratic Party?and the only American president elected to more than two terms The world can be changed by mans endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and ski


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