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Autobiography (自传) Outline 出生情况(时间、地点、性别); 受教育情况; 工作或学习经历; 个人成长; 将来的追求 Resume Outline : 1) Name, address, telephone number 2) Experience 3) Education 4) Personal data 格式1  Name , Address, Telephone Number (name) ____________________________ (address)___________________________ (telephone Number)___________________ 格式2 Resume (Name)____________________________ ( Address)__________________________ (Telephone)_________________________ Objective:__________________________ ___________________________ Experiences ___________________________ ____________________________ Application Letter 求职、应征信是用来直接向某一单位(公司)求取一份工作的申请信。它们没有统一的格式,写求职信时要注意以下几点: 1)同所有的书信一样,应写得认真、有礼貌,对所求职单位加以褒赞,并表示对该单位的向往之情,希望得到该单位工作; 2)应详细介绍自己的情况,包括受教育、专业、工作履历、家庭、婚姻等各方面的情况; 3)应写清楚求取工作种类、工作级别,给别人一个考虑选择的机会; 4)应写明自己的联系地址、电话等,最好附上一个已写明邮编、地址的回邮信封,以便对方同你取得联系,并能及时回信; 5)如有必要,应随信附上有关的求职、应征材料(如求职推荐信、个人简历、在校时成绩单等),并在信后说明。 Training one –application letter Suppose you are applying for a job as a part-time English teacher which you have found in a newspaper advertisement. In this application letter you should write at least three parts as following outline: 1) 你申请这个职位的原因; 2)简要自己的情况(姓名﹑教育背景﹑工作经历等),说明自己能胜任这个工作; 3)写出自己的联系方式以及对于工作的渴望. Form of an application letter Para 1 : your purpose of writing the letter ( one or two sentences) Para2. 1) your personal information 2)your education background your 3) working experience Para 3 your wish and the way to contact you About the first sentence your purpose of writing this letter the post you are looking for source of the information About your education background 1. age 2. school 3. major 4. performance About your working or other experience the work you have done People’s comments on you or your performance Language feature of an application letter 1. formal 2. concise (简洁) .Typical


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