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第四单元 单元备课 1.能听懂,会说句子This is my home. Its big.I have a living room.This is my bed等并能在实际情景中运用 2.能运用所学句型询问,猜测人或物的位置,并做出相应的回答 3.能掌握四会单词home,room,shool,classroom,door,window,desk,chair,ded等 4.通过学唱歌谣,培养学生的语言节奏感 5.听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按指令做出相应的动作 6.读懂英语故事,鼓励学生表演和扩展故事 7.了解西方国家的房屋结构以及各部分名称,鼓励学生大胆设想自己未来的家居 8.学唱歌曲,并通过歌曲巩固所学内容,同时培养学生对英语的兴趣 课时安排:6课时 第一课时:A(lets learn Lets do)C(Lets sing ) 第二课时:A(Lets talk Lets play ) C(Good to know) 第三课时:A(Read and write Write and say)C(Lets play) 第四课时:B(Lets learn Lets do) C(Task time) 第五课时:B(Lets talk Lets chant) Write and say) C(Story time ) 第六课时:B(Read and write Write and say) ) C(Lets check ) 博兴县经济开发区集体备课教案纸 年级:四年级 学科:英语 第三册 学期:2012——2013学年上学期 课题 Unit 4My home第一课时 课型 New 课件 主备 教师 参与 教师 上课 时间 学习 目标 1.能听懂,会说句子This is my home并能简单描述自己的房间 2.听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。 3.能听懂一些简单的指示语,并能按指令做出相应的动作 修改: 重点 难点 1. 听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。 2.学习表示指令的词组。 3.单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。 修改: 一、热身、复习 (Warm-up / Revision) A. Learn these sentences Where is the doll? It is in the box. Where is the doll? It is on the box. Where is the doll? It is under the box. Where is the box? It is on the table. B. Ask and answer Where is the farmer? He is in the van. Where is the monkey? It is under the taxi. Where is the elephant? It is in the car. Where is the boy? He is on the train. Where is the nurse? She is on the bus. Where is the girl? She is in the truck. Where is the bird? It is on the bridge. 二、呈现新课(Presentation) 1. 教师出示study的图片,手指着书房里的书问学生:What are they? 学生回答:They are books. 教师接着自问自答:Where are the books? They are in the study. 教读单词 study, 并板书,让学生认读。教师用动作帮助学生理解词义:We read the books in the study. 2. 教师出示living room的图片,教师问学生:Are there many books here? Is it a study? 学生回答:No.教师肯定学生的回答:Good. This isn’t a study. It’s a living room. We watch TV in a living room. 教读单词living room, 并板书,让学生认读。 3. 教师出示bedroom的图片,问学生:What’s in


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