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可拓分类在港口与后方物流园区发展关系中的应用 徐晓明,高红,刘巍收稿日期: 收稿日期: 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No;中央高校基本业务经费项目(No.3132014036)。 作者简介:徐晓明,硕士研究生,研究方向为应用数学 高红,副教授,研究方向为可拓学、知识挖掘、优化计算,邮箱:gaohong@ 大连海事大学数学系,大连,116026 摘要 港口的快速发展带动了后方物流园区的建设,后方物流园区的发展也提高了港口的综合竞争力。港口与后方物流园区关系是否协调,为城市的发展与建设带来很多的影响。本文以深圳盐田港与周边后方物流园区的关系为例,研究由于政府对后方物流园区实施了优惠政策,盐田港与后方物流园区的关系发生的变化。本文运用可拓分类的方法,分析优惠政策变换前后的盐田港与后方物流园区关系的变化。通过对比分析,得出实施优惠政策的效果,有助于今后更好的平衡港口与后方物流园区的发展关系。 关键词 可拓分类;港口;后方物流园区;发展关系 中图分类号 TP 182 文献标志码 A Application of Extension classification in the relationship of a port and its rear logistics parks XU Xiaoming, GAO Hong, LIU Wei Department of Mathematics, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China Abstract The rapid development of a port will lead to the construction of its rear logistics parks, and the development of rear logistics parks also can improve the comprehensive competitiveness of ports. The coordination of relationship between a port and its rear logistics park will affect the development and construction of the city. Take the Yantian port in Shenzhen and its rear logistics park as an example, we study the change of the relationship between Yantian port and its rear logistics parks, since the government has given some preferential policy. In this paper, the extension classification method is used to analysis the change of the relationship between Yantian port and its rear logistics parks before and after the transform. Through the comparative analysis, we can the effect of the policy. The study can help develop a HYPERLINK /harmonious harmonious relationship between a port and its rear logistics parks. Keywords extension classification; port; rear logistics park; development relationship 经济的快速发展不断推动着港口的发展,港口之间的激烈竞争随之愈演愈烈,随着后方物流园区的产生,港口与后方物流园区的协调发展已经变成调节城市经济发展的必要性。深圳盐田港,经过近几年的建设,基本具备了良好的基础设施和服务能力,同时港口周边已建成多个初具规模且技术先进的物流园区、保税区和保税物流园,但港口及各园区的规划布局仍有待优化。为了充分发挥港口和后方物流园区的各自优势,通过整合资源,建立起港口与后方物流园区协同发展的长效机制,提高深圳港物流的辐射力和竞争力,研究港口与后方物流园区的发展关系已经具有了不可忽视的重要作用。 目前国内外关于港口与物流园区的发展关系的学术研究还比较少,仅


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