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摘 要 研究背景:中国GMP2010版于2011年1月17日发布,根据中国2010版GMP无菌附录1,第三章 洁净度级别及监测,第十三条无菌药品的生产操作环境中的规定,非最终灭菌产品的扎盖需设置在B级背景下的A级,根据已压塞产品的密封性,扎盖设备的设计,铝盖的特性等因素,扎盖操作可选择在C级或D级背景下的A级送风环境中进行。基于该条款的规定,对于扎盖操作未设置在B级背景下的A级,需证明容器密封性,并对商业产品的容器密封性进行检测。 研究目的:本文通过分析和研究无菌产品的容器密封系统,证明通过使用照相系统检测冻干产品扎盖前,可以确保产品容器密封性,降低无菌冻干产品从全压塞到扎盖完成之间的时间段内微生物污染的风险。 研究方法:本文通过分析影响容器密封性的关键因素,先证明符合设计要求的容器密封系统能够防止微生物污染,再分析对容器密封系统的控制和检测手段,最后通过验证的方式证明这些手段能确保容器密封性。 研究结果:通过对容器密封系统的研究与验证,确认了胶塞与西林瓶的容器密封系统将压塞间隙控制在2.0mm以下能够符合容器密封性的要求;对照相系统及压盖工艺的研究,首先确定了基本参数对比度和像素的设定值,接着确定了为密封区域的高度可接受范围为5.2mm-7.2mm,然后确定了在商业化生产的最高压盖速度下,整个照相系统有0.2mm左右的系统误差,需要在标准中计算系统误差,因此需要将5.2mm-7.2mm的范围缩减至5.2mm-7.0mm;通过照相系统可接受范围优化研究,最终确定商业生产时的可接受范围为5.2mm-6.8mm。 研究结论:将照相系统的可接受范围设置在5.2mm-6.8mm作为商业化生产的可接受标准,可以确保所有经过照相系统的产品瓶均有良好的密封性。 关键词:无菌冻干产品;容器密封性;风险分析和风险管理;照相系统 The study of camera system to monitor the container closure system Background: China GMP (2010 edition) has been published on Jan. 17th 2011. According to the GMP requirement on Annex 1, Chapter3, the clean environment and monitoring, the 13th item, the capping of aseptic products need to be settled on Class A area with Class B background. But according to the integrity of fully stoppered products, the design of the capping machine or characterize of the flip-off cap etc, the capping could be settled under Class A air supply with Class C or Class D background. According to this requirement, if the capping is not settled on Class A area with Class B background, the integrity of the container must be validated and monitored. Purpose: The article will analysis and study the container closure system to prove that with the monitoring with camera system, the integrity of the container closure system could be maintained for fully stopped products and could prevent the potential microbiological contamination during the holding time before capping. Method: The article will analysis the key factors that related with the integrity of container closure system. It will first analysis the design of the c


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