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大 连 民 族 学 院 本 科 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 牙克石市城市营销现状与对策分析 学 院(系): 经济管理学院工商管理系 专 业: 市场营销 摘 要 作为内蒙古自治区发展较慢的城市之一,牙克石市需要通过制定科学的城市营销策略提高城市的竞争力。牙克石市是典型的林区城市,最初发展模式为资源消耗型,城市的发展初期较快,但随着中国城市的发展进程,城市发展进入资源型城市的瓶颈期,城市发展受阻,需要进行重新城市规划,实施新的营销策略。 采用 SWOT 模型对牙克石市城市营销环境进行分析,从而准确地了解牙克石市城市营销的优势、劣势、机遇和威胁,将有助于牙克石市城市营销策略的制定。在此基础上,提出了牙克石市城市营销定位的三种模式,即以自然资源为主要依托进行城市营销定位的发展型模式;以人文资源为主要依托进行城市营销定位的转型模式;以地理区位特色为主要依托进行城市营销定位的多元化模式。本文基于可持续发展的视角,结合牙克石市的发展现状,对牙克石市发展进行了分析。然后针对牙克石市城市营销的策略以及出现的问题提出解决方案和实施路径。 关键词:SWOT分析;城市形象;城市品牌;产业转型;可持续发展 Yakeshi city marketing problems and Solutions Abstract The Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region as the slow development of the city of Yakeshi City, through formulate scientific city marketing strategy to improve city competitiveness. Yakeshi city is a typical forest city, the initial development model for the consumption of resources type city, the early development is rapider, but along with the Chinese city development process, the development of resource type city into the bottleneck of city, arrested development, need new city planning, the implementation of new marketing strategies. Using SWOT model in Yakeshi city marketing environment analysis, so as to accurately understand Yakeshi city marketing advantage, inferior position, opportunity and menace, will help Yakeshi city marketing strategy. On this foundation, put forward Yakeshi city marketing positioning of the three modes, i.e. natural resources as main support for city marketing positioning development mode; to human resources as the main support of city marketing localization transition model; geographic location feature as the main support of city marketing positioning of the diversity mode. In this paper, based on the perspective of sustainable development, combined with the Yakeshi city development present situation, to Yakeshi city development was analyzed. And then for the Yakeshi city marketing strategy and existing problems put forward the solutions and implemen


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