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The list of protected Genera and Species of Forest Plants in China The first batch promulgated by Decree No.2 of SFA on April 22, 1999 and effective as the 本文档由【中文word文档库】提供,转载分发敬请保留本信息; 中文word文档库免费提供海量范文、教育、学习、政策、报告和经济类word文档。 same day of promulgation 1 毛白杨?? ? Chinese White Poplar Populus tomentosa 2 泡桐属 Paulownia Paulownia 3 杉木????? Chinese Fir Cunninghamia lanceolata 4 木兰属?? ? Magnolia Magnolia 5 牡丹????? Moutan Paeony Paeonia suffruticosa 6 梅??????? Japanese Apricot Prunus? mume 7 蔷薇属??? Rose Rosa 8 山茶属??? Camellia Camellia The second batch promulgated by Decree No.5 of SFA on February 2, 2000 and effective as the same day of promulgation 1 杨属 Poplar Populus 2 柳属 Willow Salix 3 桉属 Eucalyptus Eucalyptus 4 板栗 Chinese Chestnut Castanea mollissima 5 核桃属 Walnut Juglance 6 枣 Chinese Jujube Zizyphus jujuba 7 柿 Kaki Diospyros kaki 8 杏 Apricot Prunus armeniaca 9 银杏 Ginkgo Ginkgo biloba 10 油桐属 Tung—oil-tree Vernicia 11 红豆杉属 Yew Taxus 12 杜鹃花属 Rhododendron Rhododendron 13 桃花 Nectarine Prunus persica 14 紫薇 Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia 15 榆叶梅 Flowering Almond Prunus triloba 16 腊梅 Winter Sweet Chimonanthus praecox 17 桂花 Sweet Osmanthus Osmanthus The third batch promulgated by Decree No.6 of SFA on December 2, 2002 and effective on January 1, 2003 1 松属 Pine Pinus Linn. 2 云杉属 Spruce Picea Dietr. 3 落羽杉属 Deciduous Swamp Cypress Taxodium Rich. 4 圆柏属 Sabina Sabina Mill. 5 鹅掌楸属 Tulip Tree Liriodendron Linn. 6 木瓜属 Flowering Quince Chaenomeles Lindl. 7 金合欢属 Acacia Acacia Willd. 8 槐属 Pagoda Tree Sophora Linn. 9 刺槐属 False Acacia Robinia Linn. 10 丁香属 Lilace Syringa Linn. 11 连翘属 Forsythia Forsythia Vahl 12 黄杨属 Box Buxus Linn. 13 大戟属 Spurges Euphorbia Linn. 14 槭属 Maple Acer Linn. 15 沙棘属 Sea Buckthorn Hippophae Linn. 16 臭椿属 Ailanthus Ailanthus Desf. 17 簕竹属 Bamboo Bambusa Retz. corr. Schreber 18 箬竹属 Indocalamus Indocalamus Nakai 19 刚竹属???? Phyllostachys Phyllostachys??? Sieb. et Zucc 20 省藤属???? Rattanpalm Calamus Linn. 21 黄藤属???? D


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