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第七届中国人工智能联合学术会议(2002,桂林) Page PAGE 1 of NUMPAGES 11 PAGE 机器翻译中基于语法、语义知识库的汉语词义消歧策略? ? 本项研究得到国家973项目“面向新闻领域的汉英机器翻译系统”(项目号:G1998030507-4)的支持。 王 惠 北京大学计算语言学研究所,北京,100871 摘 要: 词义消歧研究在自然语言处理的许多应用领域中具有重要的理论和实践意义,在机器翻译中更是如此,它直接关系到译文质量的提高。但目前已有的词义消歧系统基本上都面临着消歧知识获取的瓶颈问题。本文认为,要真正有效地提高词义知识库的质量,需要在词类划分基础上,增加词义的语法功能分析和语义搭配限制,综合利用现有的语法、语义资源,提取多义词的每个意义在不同层级上的各种分布特征。以此为基础,本文提出了一种汉英机器翻译系统中基于语法、语义知识库的汉语词义消歧分析算法。初步的实验结果表明,该方法可以高质量地进行汉语名词、动词、形容词的词义消歧。 关键词:词义消歧(WSD) 汉英机器翻译 语法词典 语义词典 A Study of Chinese Word Sense Disambiguation in MT Based on Grammatical Semantic Knowledge-bases Wang, Hui (Institute of Computational Linguistics, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China) Abstract Word sense disambiguation (WSD) plays an important role in Machine Translation and many other areas of natural language processing. The research on WSD has great theoretical and practical significance. The main work in this paper is to study what kind of knowledge is useful for WSD in system, and establish a multi-level WSD model based on syntagmatic features and semantic information, which can be used to disambiguate word sense in Mandarin Chinese effectively. The model makes full use of the Grammatical Knowledge-base of Contemporary Chinese as one of its main machine-readable dictionary (MRD), which can provide rich grammatical information for disambiguation such as Chinese lexicon, parts-of-speech (POS) and syntax function. Another resource of the model is the Semantic Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese, which provides a thesaurus and semantic collocation information of 68,000 Chinese words. The results of this study indicate that the two MRD resources are effective for word sense disambiguation in MT and are likely to be important for general Chinese NLP. Key words: Word Sense Disambiguation, Chinese-English Machine Translation, Grammatical Knowledge, Semantic Dictionary 1. 引言 由于自然语言中一词多义现象普遍存在,在机器翻译中,要让计算机进行准确的译文选择(translation choice),一个重要的前提条件就是能够在某个特定上下文中,自动排除歧义,确定多义词的词义


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