11届语文应用写作期中试卷 张震芳.doc

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11届语文应用写作期中试卷 张震芳

2011-2012年度第二学期期末考试 《语文 应用文写作》试卷 适用班级:11121 11221 11222 11223 命  题:张震芳 审  核:田慧燕  时  间:2012年4月 题号 一 二 三 四 五 总分 得分 得分 评卷人 一、(每分,共计分) 得分 评卷人 、题(每题分,共计分) 2、贺词不可以使用对偶、比喻等修辞手法,也不需要写得优美文雅。( ) 3、请示是上级机关向主管下级机关请求指示或批准事项的一种上行公文。( ) 4、请示可以先斩后奏,也可以越级请示。( ) 5、通知一般以书面形式发出,有时也在单位的布告栏写出或张贴。( ) 6、求职信的祝颂语其正确写法是:此致在正文结束后另起一行空两格写,敬礼另起一行顶格写。( ) 7、按发文目的,函可以分为商洽函、询问函、答复函、邀请函等。( ) 8、通报通常针对当前工作中出现的情况和问题而发,让人们知晓、了解,因此,通报要抓住时机,适时制发。( ) 9、通报是上行公文,发挥教育宣传、倡导指导和推动工作的积极指导作用。( ) 10、守则条目概括准确,一般篇幅比较冗长,系统而完整。( ) 得分 评卷人 、(共计分) 得分 评卷人 (计分) 得分 评卷人 (计分) 江苏省金坛中等专业学校 江苏城市职业学院金坛办学点 金坛市技工学校 江苏省金坛中等专业学校 江苏城市职业学院金坛办学点 金坛市技工学校 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to第3页(共8页) 第4页(共8页) the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear each party members and cadres at least helping needy families, the annual visits to comfort Ask the supporting object of not less than 2 times the target. 4, at least one run Huimin practical. According to第5页(共8页) 第6页(共8页) 江苏省金坛中等专业学校 江苏城市职业学院金坛办学点 金坛市技工学校 the old party and the difficulties of the masses. In the mass line of educational practice, the old party members, five households, orphans, households and households are not included in the low range of focus on helping object, clear e


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