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EICC审核所需文件 Request Document List for EICC audit 基本信息 General Information 1 营业执照 Business license 2 公司概括简介 (人员/主要产品/产量/产值/(品牌)市场分布 Factory profile (PPT is also acceptable) 3 公司组织架构图 Organization chart 4 (公司)厂区/厂房平面图 (包括宿舍食堂) Factory’s floor layout including work floors, dorm, canteen and kitchen if any (bird view) 5 生产工艺流程图 Flow chart (indicating all key processes) 6 EICC电子行业行为准则或Logitech SER 行为准则 EICC code of conduct or Logitech SER Principles of conduct A. 劳工Labor 1 员工手册 Employee manual / handbook 2 厂规厂纪,奖惩制度 Factory rules regulations 3 保安守则和职责 Security rules / Roles and responsibility of security guards 4 人员(内部员工/ 来访人员)/ 货物 / 车辆进出控制制度及其登记记录 In/out control of worker / goods / vehicle / visit 5 食堂/宿舍管理规章制度 Regulations of meals in canteen / accommodation 6 奖惩记录 Disciplinary practices and records 7 保障自由结社的制度 Policy to ensure freedom of association / Labor union / other organization (when applicable) 8 工会或其他员工组织及其架构(如适用) Committee of labor union or other workers’ organization (when applicable) 9 员工代表推荐选举产生记录(如适用) Records of selection of workers’ representatives (when applicable) 10 工会或其他员工组织活动记录(如适用) Records of activities of labor union or other organization of workers (when applicable) 11 员工申诉程序及其匿名机制 Procedure to ensure compliant channels of anonymity 12 防止员工申诉遭受报复的保密规定及防范措施 Confidential mechanism to ensure prevent from retaliation. 13 员工申诉处理记录(包括通过个人或工会或其他员工组织或员工代表反映的提案) Grievance files (records of solution or improvement or feedback against complaints) 14 员工反馈记录,如意见箱记录,员工访谈记录,调查表记录/统计 Records related to the employees’ feedbacks such as suggestion box, interview records, survey analysis 15 招聘指引 / 程序 / 具体操作程序 (包括年龄验证程序) Recruitment policy / procedure / working instruction ( including age verification) 16 各种招聘广告样本,招工简章 (包括普通工种的招聘简章) Recruitment advertisement (especially for the direct labors) 17 禁止招聘 / 使用童工规定 Restriction to ban hiring child labor 18 雇用童工时的补救措施 Remediation in case of child labor 19 禁止歧视的规章制度 Po


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