Difference and Similarities of Taboos in Chinese and English Cultures.doc

Difference and Similarities of Taboos in Chinese and English Cultures.doc

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Difference and Similarities of Taboos in Chinese and English Cultures

语言与文化作业 Similarities and Differences of Taboos in Chinese and English Cultures 班 级 11级汉英班 专 业 英 语 院 系 外国语学院 授 课 语 种 英 语 学 生 姓 名 宋 爽 学 号 20111101516 指导教师姓名 方 芳 2013年 12月 18日 Similarities and Differences of Taboos in Chinese and English Cultures Abstract Taboos are both exist in Chinese and English Cultures. Based on different cultural origins, different fields and types of taboos are formed, however, there are also many similar identities because of the similarities of the pattern of human life, feelings and thought s and the way of thinking. Through the comparison between Chinese and English taboos on death, sex, age, colors, numbers and so on, this paper reveals the cultural differences between Chinese and Western culture.?Then it points out that under the background of cultural difference, English majors should be based on deep understanding and mastery of culture that taboos attach to. Key words: Chinese and English Cultures; taboo; cultural; Differences and Similarities 摘要 禁忌在中西方文化中都存在。基于不同文化根源, 禁忌形成不同的领域和类型, 同时也因为人类生活模式、思想感情和思维方式的相似性, 禁忌也存在很多相似。本文通过对比中西方对死亡,性,年龄,颜色,数字等禁忌认识的同一性和差异性从而反映中西文化的异同。并由此指出英语专业学生应当立足对禁忌所依附的文化进行深层的了解和掌握。 关键词: 中西方文化; 禁忌; 文化; 异同 I. Introduction “Anything which is prohibited by religion, tradition or social usage is a taboo” (Wang 271). There are behavioral and verbal taboos: what one can not do or say without offending others. As a specific type of language, verbal taboos of a country reflect its specific cultural background. Failure to understand foreign cultures may lead to misunderstandings in language communications. Taboos in China and English spoken countries have a long history. Although there are great differences between Chinese Culture and that of those two English spoken countries, their verbal taboos display not only differences but also similarities. So some of taboos are pas


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