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上海新世纪版 高二上学期 翻译综合练习 (新世纪版)U1-U2 U1 1.在上海,供应热咖啡的店很普遍。(serve, 现在分词作后置定语) Shops serving hot coffee are very common in Shanghai. 2.人们喜欢在咖啡馆喝咖啡的时候看报纸。(when+分词) People like to read newspapers when having coffee in coffeehouses. 3.美国人对待食物的态度因人而异。(vary) Americans’ attitude towards food varies from person to person. 4.这种饮料不含防腐剂和化学物质,因此受到人们欢迎。(contain,现在分词作状语) Not containing preservatives and chemicals, this kind of drink is well-received. 5.尽管素食主义者不吃肉和鱼,但是他们的身体并不缺少必要的营养。(even if) Even if vegetarians don’t eat fish and meat, they don’t lack nutritions essential to their body. 6.旅行是拓宽视野的最佳方式。(expand) Travel is the best way to expand people’s horizons. 7.墨西哥人习惯于用手拿着吃的。(pick) Mexicans are accustomed/used to picking up and eating their food with their hands. 8.你没必要为此担心。毕竟,这与你无关。(after all) There is no need for you to worry about it. After all,it is none of your business.. 9.大部分老师没有自己的办公室,不得不和其他老师共享一间办公室。(share) Most teachers don’t have their own offices and have t share an office with other teachers. 10.蔬菜,水果,牛奶,肉类构成的饮食更适合长身体过程中的孩子们。(make up) A diet which is made up of vegetables, fruits, milk and meat is more suitable for children in growth. 11.很多人热衷于快餐,而快餐由于不同的加工技术,改变了其中的营养,被视为垃圾食品。(keen) Many people are keen on fast food, which is regarded as junk food because its nutrients are changed by different processing technologies. 12.来自各地的移民带来了各种各样的美食,也带来了多样的生活方式。(variety) Immigrants from different places have brought a wide variety of food and lifestyles. 13.人们渐渐开始意识到食物里的防腐剂对身体有害。(come to do) People have come to realize preservatives in food do harm to their body. 14.尝试各国美食也是体验各国文化,拓宽人们视野的一种方式。(horizon) Trying foods from different countries is a way to experience different cultures and expand people’s horizons. U2 1.茶一直被认为是使人长寿的健康饮品。(现在分词作后置定语) Tea has been regarded as a health drink making one live longer. 2.咖啡所含的咖啡因致使一些人晚上睡不着。(分词作后置定语) Caffeine contained in coffee keeps some people awake at night. 3.日本人喝茶时做的茶道是由来已久的。(time-honored) The tea ceremony held when Japanese peop


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