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商务英语,租赁,意向 篇一:商务英语套话 主持会议 英文正文 Good morning everyone. I#39;ll be your chairman for the quarterly meeting of Action Appliances, third quarter, 1991. The meeting is now called to order. According to the agenda, the order of business is as follows: 1. A reading of the minutes from the last quarterly meeting. 2. A report from Sales Director, Sam Liang, on this quarter#39;s domestic sales. 3. An overview of Action#39;s proposed U.S. 1992 public relations campaign. PR Director, Jane Tsai, will lead the discussion. 4. A demonstration by the Design Team of Action#39;s newest washer/dryer combination unit, with a Qamp;A to follow. 5. The last order of business is my presentation of the projected outlook for Canadian sales.So, if there are no questions, let#39;s get started. Miss Teng, will you please begin with the minutes from the last quarterly meeting? 句型总结 ● 问候大家 1. Good morning everyone. 2. Welcome everyone. 3. I#39;d like to welcome each of you to this morning#39;s meeting.与会者到齐之后,主持人(最先发言者)应向大家问候一声。quot;welcomequot;、quot;good morningquot;都是实用的问候语。● 宣布会议开始 1. The meeting is now called to order. 2. I#39;d like to call this meeting to order. 3. We will now call the meeting to order. 问候与会者之后,应立即宣布会议开始。quot;call to orderquot;是正式场合中‘宣布会议开始#39;的惯用词,有引起注意的作用。 ● 宣读议程 1. According to the agenda, the order of business is as follows: 2. Referring to the agenda, the order of business is as follows: 3. As the agenda lists, the meeting#39;s order of business is as follows: 此段的关键在于根据议程,宣布今天开会讨论的事项及其次序。quot;according toquot;或quot;referring toquot;意思是根据...,参照...#39;,指出讨论的事项是以什么作根据。 ● 请演说者上台 1. Ms. Teng, will you please begin with the minutes from the last quarterly meeting? 2. Ms. Teng, would you like to begin with the minutes from the last quarterly meeting? 3. Let#39;s begin with Ms. Teng. Will you please read the minutes from the last quarterly meeting? 宣布预定的议程之后,礼貌上应该问大家有无其它问题。若没有,你便请下一个程序的负责人开始,算是交出话棒#39;。请他人做事时,quot;will you please...quot;是个


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