国际货物销售合同范本 销售合同 .doc

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国际货物销售合同范本 销售合同

国际货物销售合同范本 销售合同 篇一:国际货物买卖合同样本 货物进出口合同 SALES CONTRACT 合同号C/No.: 日期Date: 买方: The Seller: 地址: Address: 电话Tel: 联系人PIC: 卖方: The Buyer: 地址: Address: 电话Tel: 联系人PIC: 买卖双方签订本合同并同意按下列条款进行交易: This contract is made by and between the Sellers and the Buyers; Whereby the Sellers agree to sell and the Buyers agree to buy the under mentioned goods according to the terms and conditions stipulated below and overleaf: (1)品名及规格 Names of commodity (ies) and specification(s): (2)数量 Quantity: (3)单价及价格条款 (Unit Price and Terms of Delivery) : (除非另有规定,quot;FOBquot;、quot;CFRquot;和quot;CIFquot;均应依照国际商会制定的《2000年国际贸易术语解释通则》(INCOTERMS 2000)办理。) The terms FOB,CFR,or CIF shall be subject to the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms (INCOTERMS 2000) provided by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) unless otherwise stipulated herein.) (4)金额 Amount: 合计 Total: 装运数量允许有%的增减 More or less allowed__% (5)包装 Packing: (6)装运口岸 Port of Loading: (7)目的口岸 Port of Destination: (8)装船标记 Shipping Marks: (9)装运期限 Time of Shipment: 货物将在收到信用证__天内装出。 Within __________ days after receipt of L/C. ( )允许转船。( )允许分批装运,最多可以分( )批。 Transhipment ( ) allowed. Partial shipment ( )allowed and cargo can be shipped out no more than ( ) lots. (10)付款条件(Terms of Payment): 买方须于____前将保兑的、不可撤销的、可转让的、可分割的即期付款信用证开到卖方,该信用证的有效期延至装运期后_____天在中国到期,并必须注明允许分批装运和转船。 By Confirmed, Irrevocable, Transferable and Divisible L/C to be available by sight draft to reach the Seller before______,and to remain valid for negotiation in China until______after the Time of Shipment. The L/C must specify that transshipment and partial shipments are allowed or not. 买方未在规定的时间内开出信用证,卖方有权发出通知取消本合同,或接受买方对本合同未执行的全部或部份,或对因此遭受的损失提出索赔。 The Buyer shall establish a Letter of Credit before the above-stipulated time, failing which, the Seller shall have the right to rescind this Contract upon the arrival of the notice at Buyer or to accept whole or part of this Contract non fulfilled by the B



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