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精密铣削技术在加工中心的应用 论文关键词:刀具 种类选择 切削用量 Paper keywords: type selection tool cutting parameter 论文摘要:机械制造业在整个国民经济中占有十分重要的地位,而其中金属切削加工是基本而又可靠的精密加工手段。在进行数控编程的过程中,刀具的选择和切削用量的确定是十分重要,它不仅对被加工零件的质量影响巨大,甚至可以决定着机床功效的发挥和安全生产的顺利进行。所以,在编制加工程序时,选择合理的刀具和切削用量,是编制高质量加工程序的前提。 Abstract: machinery manufacturing occupies an important position in the whole national economy, and the metal cutting processing is the basic and reliable means of precision machining. In CNC programming process, cutting tool selection and cutting amount determination is very important, it not only had a huge impact on the quality of processed parts, it can even determine the machine tool of efficacy and safety in production smoothly. So, when processing program, choose reasonable tool and cutting parameter, is the premise of high quality processing program.    一、引言 First, the introduction    机械制造业在整个国民经济中占有十分重要的地位,而其中金属切削加工是基本而又可靠的精密加工手段,在机械、电机、电子等各种现代产业部门中都起着重要的作用。工具的设计、制造和使用自古以来就很受重视,这里我们所说的工具,不仅仅指进行机械加工的机床,我们更关心的是直接进行切削加工的刀具。刀具是推动金属切削加工技术发展的一个极为活跃而又十分关键的因素,可以说切削加工技术发展、革新的历史就是刀具发展的历史。 Machinery manufacturing occupies an important position in the whole national economy, and the metal cutting processing is the basic and reliable precision machining method, the mechanical, electrical, electronic, etc. Various kinds of modern industry department plays an important role. Tool in the design, manufacture and use is very important, since the ancient times here what we call the tool, not only refers to the mechanical processing machine tool, we are more interested in machining tool directly. Cutting tool is to promote the development of metal cutting processing technology a very active and very key factors, machining technology, so to speak, the history of development of the history of development, innovation is the tool.    我单位在2008年引进了小巨人公司制作的两台车铣加工中心。但一直未能在零件上真正实现和普及数控车铣加工中心的铣削功能。刀具选择、加工路径规划 、切削用量设定等,编程人员只要设置了有关的参数,就可以自动生成NC程序并传输至数控机床完成加工。因此,数控加工中的刀具选择和切削用量确定是在人机交互状态下完成的,这与普通机床加工形成鲜明的对比,同时也要求编程人员必须掌握刀具选择和切削用量确定的基本原则,在编程时


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