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1. He back, crosses his legs, smiles casually and looks like a man full of confidence in himself. (Suggested first letter(s): le ) 2. Kids should clear of that park; it doesnt seem safe. (Suggested first letter(s): ste ) 3. Detective novels used to hold a special for me. (Suggested first letter(s): at ) 4. The girls stood still, around the building, trying to picture life there fifty years before. (Suggested first letter(s): g ) 5. He had no lights but the earlier had risen and the road flowed like a river before him, all silvered by a frosty moon. (Suggested first letter(s): m ) 6. The pay will depend on the of the work, not the amount. (Suggested first letter(s): in ) 7. It takes hours for the to dry, and then you can apply a coat of protective transparent polish. (Suggested first letter(s): dy ) 8. Genetic engineering, long the focus of anticipation and discussion in American agriculture, entered the of reality in a big way in 1998. (Suggested first letter(s): re ) 9. He took the evening newspaper and quickly through the story in minutes rather than hours. (Suggested first letter(s): sk ) 10. Like it or it, Im not going to turn my radio off. (Suggested first letter(s): lu ) Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the initial letters provided)????(每小题: 1 分;??满分:10 分) 小题 得分 对错 我的答案 客观 1. 1 leans leans 2. 1 steer steer 3. 1 attraction attraction 4. 0 g gazing 5. 1 mist mist 6. 1 intensity intensity 7. 1 dye dye 8. 1 realm realm 9. 1 skimmed skimmed 10. 1 lump lump Subtotal:? 9 老师评语: ? Part 2 Fill in the Blanks (with the right preposition or adverb) (每小题: 分) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate preposition or adverb. Fill in each blank with only ONE word. 1. The police faced the prisoner a simple choice: he could either give the names of his companions, or go to prison. 2. The tendency in the Council is therefore always to lean a choice o


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