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目前的干预策略 一波未平一波又起 什么是肿瘤(癌症)? 如何应对? * * 颅脑肿瘤 头颈部肿瘤 肺癌 食道癌 肠癌 肝癌 膀胱癌、肾癌 前列腺癌 乳腺癌 胃癌 胰腺癌 妇科肿瘤 常见部位的恶性肿瘤 癌中之王? 癌王中王?? * 有害因素长期作用 不需要 不正常 破坏器官 危及生命 * 早期信号Ⅰ 新发肿块 黑痣破溃 进食梗阻 胃口变差 大便变细、黑便 * 早期信号Ⅱ 无痛性血尿 声音嘶哑 头痛伴呕吐 长期发热 绝经后再次出血(铁树开花) 工欲善其事必先利其器 * * * * * 干预手段 手术 根治手术、姑息手术 化疗 靶向治疗 放疗 三维适形、调强放疗 * * 靶向药物简介 易瑞沙、特罗凯 肺腺癌 力比泰(培美曲赛)肺腺癌、胸膜癌 安维汀、C225(爱彼妥)肠癌、头颈部 S1(替吉奥)胃癌 赫塞汀 乳腺癌、胃癌(HER2+) 多吉美 肝细胞癌、肾细胞癌 美罗华 NHL(CD20+) 格列卫 GIST、白血病 * 日费用 550(1天1片) * The widespread use of gefitinib allowed us to observe something that had not been commonly observed in the previous 20 years of treating non-small cell lung cancer. Some patients had near dramatic and even near complete responses with little toxicities and the duration could last a year of longer. This was fundamentally different than what had been previously observed. These responses were seen more frequently in women, patients with adenocarcinoma, and non-smokers. This was dramtically different than that seen with other types of treatment where these factors had relatively little difference in outcome. The second thing is that it was more commonly seen in patients from Japan (2-3 times more frequently) and the response rate to gefitinib treatment was reported to be 2-3 times as high in Japan as the United States and Europe. * The widespread use of gefitinib allowed us to observe something that had not been commonly observed in the previous 20 years of treating non-small cell lung cancer. Some patients had near dramatic and even near complete responses with little toxicities and the duration could last a year of longer. This was fundamentally different than what had been previously observed. These responses were seen more frequently in women, patients with adenocarcinoma, and non-smokers. This was dramtically different than that seen with other types of treatment where these factors had relatively little difference in outcome. The second thing is that it was more commonly seen in patients from Japan (2-3 times mor



