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北京城市学院毕业论文学生姓名:班 级: 专 业: 学 部: 指导教师: 二零一叁年月 京师园小区居民个人理财情况调研 学生: 班级 学号:09110110026 学部: 专业:) 指导教师: 职称: 工作单位: 毕业论文完成时间自 年 月 至 年 月 ’s living standards have greatly improved, the accumulation of personal wealth of personal finance business requirements are put forward. Personal finance, as a domestic banking business, was widely with the domestic customer demand and rapid growth. But, Residents in our country enjoying rapid economic growth brings income increased, Personal financial management mode is still in the stage of conservative, and for the purchase of wealth management product features are not clear, So that the residents in our country the development of financial market is still in its infancy. In research methods, this article from the basic characteristics of personal finance, definition for personal finance, in order to make the article more clear, using the method of investigation and analysis, residents personal wealth management business in the questions; And from the scientific nature of national policy, such as deepen the development of capital market, popularization of residents financial knowledge, macroscopic to improve the investment environment; and through the comparative analysis the characteristics of personal finance products, for residents’ personal cultivation of financial management concept and risk prevention aspects to give the corresponding measures. In order to through set up the personal finance of modern consciousness, combination with the practical situation of their own, set up risk prevention consciousness is premise of rational finance, achieve personal wealth value-added continuously. Key word: personal finance, finance products, measures 目录 导言 1 (一)选题的背景及意义 1 (二)国内外研究现状 1 (三)个人理财研究思路和结构安排 3 一、居民个人理财的基本特征 4 (一)经济发展与居民个人理财的产生 4 (二



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