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3.2 model letters comments 3.2.1 Importer’s enquiry about exporter’s status The said firm has given your name as a reference.该公司指定贵处为信用出证人 We shall be grateful if you will inform us of their credit and business standing 如蒙贵方告知对其财务状况的看法我方万分感谢 Any info.you may give would be treated in strict secrecy. 您提供给本公司的任何资料,本公司均将负责绝对保密 3.2.2 reply to give a favorable trade reference In response to your enquiry of June 20, we are pleased to inform you that the firm in question is ….. 关于您6月20日的咨询,兹通知贵方,您所查询的公司 The firm is enjoying a good reputation in the trade. 该公司在商界享有良好的信誉 We must ask you to treat it in strict confidence and without any responsibility on our part. 请您务必对本报告严格保守秘密,我们对所述内容不负法律责任 3.3.1 Exporter’s request for a trade reference 1. we shall be obliged if you will give us information…若贵公司为我们提供。。。信息,我们将非常感激。 2.Any information supplied by you will be treated in strict confidence. 对于贵公司所提供的情报, 一定会严守秘密。 3 render you a similar service should the need arise/should opportunity occur. 以后如有机会, 我们将乐于为贵公司提供同样的服务, 作为对这次协助的报答。 3.3.2 reply to give a favorable trade reference The firm concerned is a well-established one.该公司经营良好。 They have always paid their accounts promptly.他们通常付款迅速。 3.3.3 reply to give an unfavorable trade reference We have no certain knowledge of their financial position.我们不知道该公司的财务情况 Accounts were not always settled on time. 付款经常不准时。 It would be advisable for you to make additional enquiries.建议贵方做一些附加调查。 We regret that we have to give you unfavourable info.about the firm and we understand that you will treat it as confidential. 很遗憾,我们未能向您提供良好的情报,请保守秘密 Translation 1. ?Will you please be kind enough to obtain for us all information possible respecting the standing of that company. 恳请贵方尽量收集有关那个公司的信用状况方面的材料。 ?I shall fell under great obligation if you will advise me confidentially respecting the reputation they enjoy among your neighbors and correspondents. 恳请惠予告知该公司的近邻与顾客对该公司的评价, 本人将深感谢意。 ??Any information you may give me will, of course, be treated as s


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