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翻 譯 習 作 Teacher: 蔡 佩 倫 老師 Class: 應 英 三 A Name: 葉 韋 廷 NumberLearning languages at any age Hope for mature learners (14 years and up) — Older learners face several difficulties. Their busy schedules make it difficult to squeeze in language classes. Their tongues refuse to cooperate to produce new sounds. And their pride prevents them from practicing with native speakers. 年長學習者的希望(14歲以上) — 年紀較大的學習者面臨幾項困難。忙碌的生活作息不易擠出時間上語言課。舌頭不願配合發出新的聲音。自尊心也阻礙了他們跟以此語言為母語的人練習。 學語言 ,老少咸宜 1、squeeze in something/someone (idiom) 為某人/事挪出時間 (ex) I didn’t make an appointment to see Dr.Smith, but he was willing to squeeze me in. 我沒辦法約見史密斯博士,但他卻樂意 為了我挪出時間。 學語言 ,老少咸宜 2、pride (N) 自尊心、驕傲 (ex) Pride will have a fall. 驕者必敗 (ex) swallow one‘s pride. 克制自尊心 pride (v) 得意、以…自豪(=be proud of) (ex) She prides herself on her skill in cooking. = She is proud of her skill in cooking. 她以會做菜而自豪 Learning languages at any age On the bright side, older students have many language strategies available to them. To gain proficiency later in life, try making the following techniques part of your daily routine. These techniques do not involve embarrassing activities or lengthy classes. In fact, you’ll probably find these exercises relaxing and enjoyable. 往好處看,年紀較大的學生有許多可用的語言策略。為了之後能精通外語,試著將下列的技巧變成你每日例行公事。這些技巧不包括令人困窘的活動或是冗長的課程。事實上,你會發現這些練習是輕鬆又有趣的。 學語言 ,老少咸宜 3、 On the bright side (idiom) 往好處看 (ex) Mr. Mack is a tough teacher. But on the bright side, we’ve really learned a lot. Mack先生是個資深老師,往好處看, 我們的確可以學到很多。 學語言 ,老少咸宜 4、strategy (N) 策略、計謀 (ex) The way Jill is studying now is not effective. She needs a new strategy. 吉兒現在研究的這個方法是無法奏效的。她需要 一個新的策略。


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