必修一 Unit 1 Warming up.ppt

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必修一 Unit 1 Warming up

_______ all the numbers and you will see how much you owe me. 2) All the numbers __________ exactly 900. 3) The bad weather only _________ our difficulties. 4) Don’t ____ fuel ____ the flames. Add up add up to added to add to add up: 把……加起来 add up to: 总共是, 总计是 add to: 使增加, 使扩大 add A to B: 增加, 添加A到B中 2. …you had to pay to get it repaired. get sth. done=have sth. done 请人做某事 (非亲自动手) 上周我去城里剪头发了。 Last week I went to the town to get/have my hair cut. 爸爸明天要去检查身体。 Tomorrow Daddy will have/ get himself examined. 3.Your friend comes to school very upset. upset (vt. vi.) 打翻; 使不安; 使心烦 (upset-upset / upsetting) A strong wind upset the house. Don’t upset yourself. adj. 不安的; 心烦意乱的 He was upset at not being invited. Hearing the news, he feels upset. upset 做形容词时, 通常不置于名词之前。 disturbed /sick vt. vi. 使不安, 使心烦, 打乱, 打翻 区别: nervous (rather afraid) : 在事情发展过程中有种害怕的感觉? 紧张 anxious (worried): 由于害怕某种事情会发生而感到焦急 upset (rather unhappy): 由于某事的发生而感到心烦意乱 I’m always ________ when I have to make a speech. 2) Your mother will be ________ until she hears you’re safe. 3) She was very _____ when the dog      died. 4) The news quite __________ him. 5) If the rain keeps falling, it will _______  our whole plan. nervous anxious upset upsets upset e.g. I said hello to her, but she ignored me completely. I can’t ignore his rudeness any longer. You can’t ignore the fact that many criminals never go to prison. 4. ignore vt. 不理睬; 忽视 be ignored 不知道, 没意识到 n. ignorance 无知, 愚昧, 不学无术 His ignorance is surprising. I was in complete ignorance of his intentions. adj. ignorant 无知识的, 不知道的, 愚昧的, 幼稚的 be ignorant of 对……无知, 不知道 ignore something If you ignore sth, you know about it but pay no attention. e.g. He knew there was a speed limit, but he ignored it and drove very fast. 他知道有车速限制,但却置之不理,把车开得飞快。 be ignorant of sth If you are ignorant of sth, you don’t know about it. e.g. Most passengers were totally ignorant of


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