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Ode to the West Wind Percy Bysshe Shelley If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? ------如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗? 张淑仪 李国志 Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) Percy Bysshe Shelley (4 August 1792 – 8 July 1822) was one of the major English Romantic poets and is critically regarded among the finest lyric poets in the English language. He is famous for Ode to the West Wind, Queen Mab《麦布女王》, To a Skylark《致云雀》, long poems Prometheus Unbound《解放的普罗米修斯》, The Revolt of Islam《伊斯兰的反叛》, and so on. Life Story Born into a wealthy family at Sussex, England on August 4, 1792; Attended Eton College in 1804; went on to Oxford University six years later; called “mad Shelley”; Expelled from Oxford and disinherited in 1811 for his pamphlet The Necessity of Atheism ; Eloped and then married Harriet Westbrook in 1811; Separated from Harriet and eloped with Marry Godwin to Europe in 1814; Harriet’s drowning in 1816 left him a bad reputation as an “immoralist”; Left England in 1818 and stayed in Italy for the remaining 4 years of his life; Drowned off Leghorn on July 8, 1822 . Background of the Poem Event Time:August 16, 1819 Location :The Slaughter of St. Peter’s. Manchester(彼得卢事件,曼彻斯特) The poem was composed in 1819 when European labor movement and the revolutionary movement surged. To fight for their right, British working class began to struggle with the bourgeoisie. At August of that year, 80,000 workers in Manchester held a massive demonstration. Of course, the reactionary authorities had dispatched troops to suppress. That was well-known as the Bideilei Massacre. Shelley was in favor of British revolution, so he was expelled from the United Kingdom. Themes Man and the Natural World Nature is more powerful than man. Because: west wind, spring wind and rebirth. Themes Transformation He hopes to transform himself by uniting his own spir




