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double-acting steam hammer 双作用蒸汽锤 anvil 砧座 safety cushion 安全垫 foot treadle 脚踏板 Forging impressions 锻模(型腔) clearance 间隙,公差 single stroke 单次打击 continuous blow 连续打击 idle swings (蒸汽-空气锤的)悬空摆动 When forging proceeds in the preliminary-preparatory impressions the operator delivers frequent weak blows, when the work is performed in forging impressions the blows must be infrequent but strong. With the treadle pressed smoothly the ram will descend holding thus the top die against one. 在锻造的前期准备按压过程,操作的传递往往会减弱打击。当在锻模在锻模中进行时,打击必须是停顿性且力度大的。随着踏板被平稳地施加压力,锤头会带着上模朝着下模下降。 Depending on the weight of falling parts the hammer can deliver up to 60 blows per minute. The steam forging hammers can produce forgings weighing from 5 to 1000 newtons. The work is usually done in multiple-impression open dies. 根据下降部分的重量蒸汽-空气锤可以每分钟传递60次的打击。蒸汽锻压锤可以产生5到1000牛的锻压重量。锻压操作通常在复合按压开口模中进行。 Words and Terms 7.3 double-action steam hammer double-action steam hammer are gennerally built with falliing parts weighing from 6 to 100 kilonewtons and over 双动蒸汽锤一般带有有6-100千牛顿甚至更高的拉力部分 WWW.1PPT.COM 图表大全 The acting of a steam forging hammer is shown in fig 7.2. The hammer is erected on heavy anvil 1 which is a massive steel casting weighing commonly 20-25 times the fallinf weight.the heavy anvil is mounted in the well of the foundation on pad 22 made of oak beams and secured with such beams at the sides.attached to the heavy anvil by springloaded bolts 20 are steel cast frames 19 which are joined at the top by steel bed 5 压力锤的工作原理如图7.2所示。锤架安装在重型钻的钻座1上,锤架是一个巨大的钢铸件,其重量一般是落锤的20-25倍,重钻被恰当的安装在由橡胶板制成的平板基座22上,而且在重砧的两侧有同样的橡胶板作为固定支撑。通过弹簧螺栓20连接钢铸架19与重型钻座,其中钢铸架与上部的钢床5相连。 第一PPT HTTP://WW.1PPT.COM The bolts with absorbing springs secure cylinder 7 of the hammer,which is a steel or iron casting accommodating the working box and two more boxes-slide valve chest 15 and throttle chest. 再往上由具有减震弹的簧螺栓固定的重锤的安全气缸7,,由钢或铸铁做成的。用于调节工作箱及滑动缸15,节流缸12 The top of the cylinder is provided with safety cushion 8 precluding rigid


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