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研究生课程考核试卷 科 目:现代固体矿床开采理论方法 教 师: 姓 名: 学 号: 专 业: 矿业工程 类 别: 学术 上课时间: 2014年 月至 201年 6月 卷面成绩 平时成绩 课程综合成绩 阅卷评语: 阅卷教师 (签名) 研究生院 巷道围岩大变形机理及治理措施研究 摘 要:对地下工程而言,保证巷道开挖与支护稳定是矿山安全生产的前提。随着我国基础建设事业的高速发展和西部发开发的进一步推进,我国的公路工程、铁路工程和地下工程迅猛发展,其大量长大、深埋隧道工程相继动工,穿越高地应力区以及遇到软弱危岩体,常导致软弱围岩大变形等相关地质灾害。对于隧道软弱围岩大变形的有效合理的防治与控制措施愈显紧迫与重要。本文以理论分析为基础结合现场实践案例,详细阐述围岩大变形的定义,大变形发生的地质环境,着重分析巷道围岩大变形的力学机理以及治理控制措施,对于工程实际有一定的理论指导意义。 关键词:大变形;地质环境;力学机理;治理防治 Study on the Surround Rock Control and Mechanism of Large Deformation Roadway Zheng Binbin Abstract: For underground works, roadway excavation and support to ensure stability is a prerequisite for mine safety production. With the further advance the cause of rapid development of infrastructure and the development of the western region, highway engineering, railway engineering and underground engineering rapid development of its large number of older, deep tunnel projects have been started, through the high stress area and encountered weak rocks, often resulting in weak rock geological disasters related to large deformation. For large deformation of tunnel in soft rock reasonably effective prevention and control measures more show the urgent and important. In this paper, based on theoretical analysis combined with field practice cases, elaborate definition of rock deformation big, large deformation of the geological environment, focusing on the analysis of large deformation of surrounding rock mechanics mechanism and the management control measures for the project actually have some theoretical guidance significance. Key words: Large Deformation; Geological environment; Mechanical mechanism; Control 0 引言 国内外开展了对围岩大变形的研究,认为围岩大变形可以分为三类,分别为埋深较大引起的大变形、开采活动引起的大变形及岩体本身强度较低引起的大变形。而在地下工程中,上述三种类型的大变形巷道均能见到,第一类及第三类巷道大变形机理较明显,各种支护理论及技术也较成熟,但对由采动影响而产生的大变形研究较少,盲目的运用第一类及第三类的理


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