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苍耳 防风 辛夷 Bellyache (腹痛) --Motherwort ( 茺蔚) --Angelica sinensis (当归) --Radix curcumae (郁金) --Asiatic wormwood (艾草) 茺蔚 郁金 The development of Chinese medicine ----李陈铭 Traditional Chinese Medicine exported to 160 countries and regions. And: 103: more than $100million 20: more than $1000million 2010 2010 Companies that export Traditional Chinese Medicine was more than 2500. And: 300:more than $100million 27:more than $1000million International market demand promotes trades on Traditional Chinese Medicine Comment undershanding on Health care concept between the East and the West, Difficulties of the development of pharmaceutical chemicals, Drive of population movement, Drive of WHO. Increase of national power, Development of industry. Enlarging scale constantly, Deepening the degree of cooperation, Driving laws and regulations overseas. The development of international communication of Traditional Chinese Medicine Challenges that Traditional Chinese Medicine faces Marginalization development --admixture of good and evil, Security crisis --deficiency of supervision, Resource crisis -- imminent danger of original materials Modern Chinese medicine Humans share Thank you Classic on Medical Problems 《难经》,原名《黄帝八十一难经》,传说为战国时秦越人(扁鹊)所作。本书以问答解释疑难的形式编撰而成,共讨论了81个问题,故又称《八十一难》,全书所述以基础理论为主,还分析了一些病证。 其中一至二十二难为脉学,二十三至二十九难为经络,三十至四十七难为脏腑,四十八至六十一难为疾病,六十二至六十八为腧穴,六十九至八十一难为针法。 太难了,没找到英文的资料 Treatise on Febrile and Miscellaneous Diseases 《伤寒杂病论》,又作《伤寒卒病论》,为东汉张仲景所著,是中国第一部理法方药皆备、理论联系实际的中医临床著作。 此书被认为是汉医学之内科学经典,奠定了中医学的基础。 因为历史因素,本书原貌不复可见,后世分成《伤寒论》与《金匮要略》两书,分别流通。 The Shang Han Lun has 397 sections with 112 herbal prescriptions, organised into the Six Divisions(六经辨证): Tai yang (greater yang): a milder stage with external symptoms of chills, fevers, stiffness(僵硬), an



