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2016年高考全国卷命题热点和原创猜题 2016年高考即将到来,如何让考生在考场中高效快捷、占尽先机,如何在最后复习备考中快人一步、事半功倍,江西旭云文化考试命题中心特约全国名校名师和高考命题专家,精心打造《2016年高考全国卷命题热点和原创猜题》,依据考试大纲说明,深度分析命题规律,结合高考命题信息,直击高考命题精髓题题有意,泄露天机。 [命题热点] 介绍和展示以VR和“青蒿素”为代表的科技创新及社会影响。 科技造成的人与人之间的面对面交流的缺失及必要性。 以二胎放开、足球课程进校园为代表政策话题。 中西方文化差异与交流的话题。 5.中国优秀传统文化。 6.2022北京冬奥会。 7. 交通与环保问题。 8. 网络新词汇(土豪、女汉子等)。 9. 留守儿童和空巢老人现象。 10. 人际关系和情感态度 [原创猜题] 第1题: {猜想试题}Last year my summer holiday was spoiled by my bringing along a modern convenience that was too convenient for my own good: the iPad. Instead of looking at nature, I checked my e-mail. Instead of paddling a small boat, I followed my Twitter feed(推特简讯). Instead of reading great novels, I stuck to reading four newspapers each morning. I was behaving as if I were still in the office. My body was on vacation, but my head wasn’t. So this year I made up my mind to try something different: withdrawal from the Internet. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, since I’m bad at self-control. But I was determined. I started by giving the iPad to my wife. The cellphone signal at our house was worse than in the past, making my attempts at cheating an experience in frustration (沮丧). I was trapped, forced to go through with my plan. Largely breaking away from e-mail, Twitter and my favorite newspaper websites, I had few ways to connect to the world except for the radio—and how much radio can one listen to, really? I had to do what I had planned to do all along: read books. This experience has had a happy ending. With determination and the strong support of my wife, I won in my vacation struggle against the Internet, realizing finally that it was I, not the iPad, that was the problem. I knew I had won when we passed a Starbucks and my wife asked if I wanted to stop to use the Wi-Fi. “I don’t need it,” I said. However, as we return to post-vacation life, a harder test begins: Can I continue when I’m back at work? There are times when the need to know what’s being said right now is great. I have no intention


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