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Simon’ mum: It’s half past twelve. Let’s have our picnic! Simon : Oh dear! It’s raining now! Simon’ mum: It’s dry over there. Run,boys! Daming : Oh no,look at the ducks! They’re eating our sandwiches! Simon : Naughty ducks! Simon’mum: It looks like you’re going to stay hungry,Simon! 1.______Sunday mornings, Jack’s brother usually gets up ______eight o’clock. At,on B. In,on C. On.at D. In, at 2. We go to the shop at five ______ five in the afternoon. A. past B.to C. too D. pass Let’s go and _______ A. play the football B. to play football C. play football D. to play the football 用法 例句 when 对大体时间提问,回答是一个时间段或者是具体的时间点 ------When is your birthday? ------On April (四月)25th. What time 对具体时间提问 回答是具体时间 -----What time do you get up every day? -----At six o’clock. be going to A 描述过去发生的事 B 描述正在发生的事 C 描述将来发生的事 一般将来时 二、一般将来时基本结构: 主语 + be going to+ 动词原形+其它; 意思为;主语将要或打算干某事 我用am 你用are is 用于他 她 它 单数用is 复数用are A: What are you going to do? B: I am going to… We are going to… A: What will you do? B: I will… Daming will… Lingling wil… MODULE 9 Unit 1 I want to go to Shanghai. China north south east west China is a big country in the world. There are lots of beautiful places to go in China. Shanghai Shanghai is very big and very famous. Do you want to go to Shanghai? Kunming is a beautiful city. Kunming What a beatiful city! It’s in the south of China and it’s got a beautiful lake. Do you want to visit Kunming? 滇池(diān chí)是云南省最大的淡水湖,有高原明珠之称。位于云南省昆明市的西南,古名滇南泽,又称昆明湖。滇池因周围居住着滇部落或有水似倒流、滇者,颠也之说,故曰滇池。 the Dianchi lake A Guilin Guilin is in the south of China too. Guilin is a beautiful city, and there are lots of mountains and lakes in Guilin. Do you want to visit Guilin? I think we should go to all these places. That’s a good idea. Practice 句型 1.Do you want to …? Yes, I do.\No, I don’t.\No, thanks. 2.Does he\she\Daming\your friend want to…? Yes, she\he does.


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