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英语课代表辞职信 篇一:英语课代表就职演讲稿 人们常说“在其位、谋其政”,所以我在前一段时间担任英语课代表一直都很积极,主动 大胆地完成各项工作,取得了一些成绩:在大多数人的印象中,课代表不就是收收作业和记 记缺交作业名单吗?但我觉得,课代表应该是全体同学在该学科学习方面的全代表和表率, 应该是全班同学在该学科上成功学习的学习带领者:带领全班同学实现对该学科的成功学习。以下是我在这学期中准备努力做到的: 1、我会首先应该做到以身作则、正直公正、积极主动、认真负责。全权负责本学科的一 切学习任务。在班级的英语中学习起到带头人和组织者的作用。 2、我会始终想老师、同学之所想,急老师、同学之所急,工作上要有服从意识和超前意 识。思想上积极上进、敢于担当。 3、在适当的时间内及时的收发作业,布置作业并且检查作业也是我的职责。若有未交者, 作业不合格者,作业抄袭者,要及时报告给老师。并帮助同学改正,在英语学习上不掉队。 4、我会在上课之前要去办公室询问老师本节课的学习任务做好课前准备。 5、我会在上课时应该协助老师维持课堂纪律,积极配合老师讲课,积极举手发言,并带 动同学们也积极地学习英语。 6、最后就是每天合适的时间出一两道英语题,巩固一下大家对知识的掌握。总之,我会尽自己的最大努力,带领大家学好英语这门学科的,如果我的工作有不足, 还请大家多多提意见! 谢谢大家!english lesson representative inaugural address representative should be all the students in the subject of learning all the representatives and model, should be the whole class in the subjects of the study led successful learning: lead the whole class to achieve the success of this discipline study. below is my in this semester in preparation for trying to do:1, i will first should be leading by example, integrity justice, initiative, serious and responsible. all of this discipline solely responsible for the study task. in classs and grades english learning in a leader and organizers role. 2, i will always want to the teacher, the students think, urgent teacher, the students of the anxious, work to have to obey the consciousness and advanced consciousness. thinking positive progress, dare to bear. 3, in the proper time and send and receive the homework, homework assignments and check is my duty. if there is making a person, failed the homework, homework a copycat to timely report to the teacher. and help the students to correct, in english learning not lag behind. 4, i will go to the office before class to ask the teacher in this class to study tasks preparations before class.5, ill help the teacher in class should maintain classroom discipline, and actively cooperate with the teacher, and actively raised his hand, drive students also actively learning english.6, the last



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