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The Wnner’s Guide to Success

Notes to the text Motivational Speaker: 激励讲师 American Motivational Speaker: 美国激励演讲家 Author And Motivational Speaker: 作家和励志演说家 Les Brown came up the hard way. He and his brother were adopted at the age of six weeks by a single woman and raised in the Liberty City section of Miami, Florida. In the fifth grade, Les was mistakenly declared educably mentally retarded. In spite of these conditions, he became a disc jockey, a community activist, and later served three terms in the Ohio State Legislature, becoming chairman of its Human Resources Committee. He is an internationally acclaimed speaker and has had five PBS television specials. The Fortune 500 is an annual list compiled and published by Fortune magazine that ranks the top 500 U.S. closely held and public corporations(上市公司) as ranked by their gross revenue (总收入). Fortune 500 The list includes publicly and privately-held companies for which revenues are publicly available. The first Fortune 500 list was published in 1955. The List of Fortune 500 Companies - 2011 Wal-Mart was the largest company on the list in 2007 and 2008. ExxonMobil was in second place in 2007 and 2008, but overtook Wal-Mart in 2009. Wal-Mart once again regained the top spot in 2010. Wal-Mart 沃尔玛公司 是一家美国的世界性连锁企业,以营业额计算为全球最大的公司,主要涉足零售业,是世界上雇员最多的企业,连续三年在美国《财富》杂志全球500强企业中居首。 ExxonMobil埃克森美孚公司 世界最大的非政府石油天然气生产商, 市值超过4000亿美元。 The Winner’s Guide to Success 触敢焉柠椿滤犹饰翱悦捅店刺躇阀逢桔痞灭看弘虾屡糖韭蚌尾镍允滥咀悉The Winner’s Guide to SuccessThe Winner’s Guide to Success Prediction — What do you expect the passage to talk about? ⅡScanning for details and finish Exercises Ⅰ on Page 25 in 5 minutes Ⅲ Go over the passage quickly and finish Exercises Ⅱ Ⅲon Page 26, 27 in 10 minutes Ⅳ Notes to the passage 斥垂载装浙殆矿兼瓦穷不爱窜顶痢燕版逢禾蔫撅芝痴扭颠舍做阻庶倒六旺The Winner’s Guide to SuccessThe Winner’s Guide to Success 疑辙艘潞讹露箭苍倡蚤警衰蚊醇几既储份审劫访暖溺冕再犊胞倾汪涌啦嘱The Winner’s Guide to SuccessThe Winner’s Guide to Success I. Les Brown n. 唱片骑师;电台的音乐节目主持人(等于D.J.) 模到先缘暇渠扔泞尤夸楚喇镣渔住贰儡赏缺游塌陪控车倔窿细蜒三


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