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First in Mind—First in Choice? 阿特拉斯科普柯 --- ZD工作流程及部件 Flow Diagram 日常使用注意事项 三,每季度 1,定期检查机器螺栓有无松动 2,检查冷却水管路及阀门是否畅通 3,周期性检查所有汽阀,检查清洁汽缸内部 4,用塞尺测量各级汽缸余隙(min 1mm)支撑环底部间隙(min 0.5mm) 5,检查皮带松紧、皮带轮平行度、必要时调整。 6,检查调整油压 日常使用注意事项 7,运行中注意皮带跳动幅度 8, 检查密封填料有无泄漏 9, 检查活塞杆温度 10, 检查低压机、MD 干燥器输水器排水情况 11, 注意运行参数是否在正常范围 A级保养 B级保养 C级保养 常用消耗部件 常用消耗部件 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. First in Mind—First in Choice? Atlas Copco has a clear and very powerful vision: To become and remain: First in Mind—First in Choice? for key stakeholders. Customers: We are committed to our customers’ superior productivity through interaction and innovation. We strive to be the preferred supplier to current and potential customers and end-users, which means that we should achieve the highest possible customer and market share. Employees: We strive to be the preferred employer of both current and potential employees. Our aim is to attract, develop, and keep qualified and motivated people in a professional environment. Business partners: We strive to be the best associate for our business partners, such as suppliers, subcontractors, joint-venture partners and agents, and to be the one that they prioritize. Shareholders: We strive to be the preferred company for shareholders to invest in, and we aim to create, and continually increase, shareholder value. Society and the environment: We strive to be a good and reliable corporate citizen, observing the spirit as well as the letter of the laws of the countries in which we operate. * * * * * * 低压机根据所选机型配置的干燥机分为内置式与外置式两种 干燥机露点温度 从: -40°C 至-15 °C Main Air Circuit ZR 低压机空气出口: 根据所选机型压力分为:7.5bar 至 10bar 高低压机之间为钢性硬管连接 DN高压机进口: 根据低压机所选机型进口压力分为: 7.5bar 至 10bar. 高低压机组可根据现场机房状况安装分为: U型, I型; L型等 Main Air Circuit 低压储气罐: 消除低压空气的波动, 降低低压空气的冲击. 罐内装有精密PDP进气过滤器, 提高低压空气的质量 PDP进气过滤器 DN 系列?: 3 支 DX 系列 : 2 支 压差指示器 安装在低压储气罐上, 与电脑控制器连接(Elektronikon?) Main Air Circuit 手动排放阀 通过此阀门可检查罐内是否有水份以判断MD干燥机是否工作正常, 另外, 在保养维修机器之前,可通过此阀门排放卸载罐内及系统内压力. 低压安全阀 防止罐内压力超标 释


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