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PAGE PAGE IV 摘要 在经济全球化时代,几乎所有的企业都涉足国际市场营销领域,即使仅限于在国内市场从事生产经营活动的企业,也面临着来自海外的企业和著名品牌的挑战。特别是富有时代象征的现代科技产品,更是必须走上国际化经营的道路。 当今全世界消费者的行为更趋于成熟和理性。随着消费者接触产品信息的途径越来越多,消费者对产品更加了解,影响消费者购买决策的因素从产品价格、质量、性能等方面转变为注意产品的服务和产品形象等内容。 在国际市场营销中,为了贯彻现代市场营销观念,需要根据国际营销业务的发展,建立顾客导向的企业组织,加强各部门之间的协作,包括设立和充实市场信息、产品开发、维修服务的部门,调整销售部门和生产部门、供应部门的关系等,使企业的各项资源得到统一,为目标市场提供适销对路的产品和良好的服务。 关键字:营销观念,产品价格,产品开发,服务,消费者 ABSTRACT In the era of economic globalization, almost all of the companies involved in international marketing in the field, even if only in the domestic market to engage in production and operation activities of enterprises, is also facing from overseas companies and well-known brand challenges. A rich symbol of the era of modern science and technology products, but also need to embark on the path of international operations. Consumer behavior in todays world is more mature and rational. As consumer access to product information means more and more consumers learn more about the product, consumers to buy products from the decision-making factor in the price, quality and performance in areas such as attention turned into products such as the image of products, services and content. In international marketing, in order to carry out modern marketing concepts, according to the needs of international business, marketing, development, customer-oriented business organizations, to strengthen collaboration between the departments, including the establishment of substantial and market information, product development, maintenance services Adjust the sales and production departments, such as the relationship between supply sector, so that the resources of corporate unity, the target market for the provision of marketable products and good services. KEY WORDS: marketing concepts,product prices,product development,services ,consumers 目录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u HYPERLINK \l _Toc214168965 1. 绪论 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc214168966 1.1. 研究的背景 PAGEREF _Toc214168966 \h 1 HYPERLINK \l _Toc214168967 1.2.


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