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五年级试卷 - 副本

Module 1测试题 一、找出正确选项,使单词完整正确。 ( )1、dr_ve A.a B.i C e ( )2、fl_te A. u B.i C.e ( )3、pl_yer A. e B i .C a ( )4、_ff_ce A.o,i B. i,o C. e,i ( )5、p__ent A. ra B. ar C.ai 二)按要求写出下列单词。 1、drive——过去式) 2、old——(反义词)3、drive——(名词) 4、now——(对应词) 5、teacher——(动词)6、is——(过去式) (三)用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、What _beher mother before?She was a nurse. 2、His father _drive a train before. 3、What _do she teach? She teaches English. 4、What_ be he now? Hes a driver. 5、He_ play the flute before. 6、What _beyou doing? I_bereading a book. 7、They _bein England for 2 yeras. (四)单项选择。 1、What music _he play? He played Chinese music. A、did B、do C、does D、didnt 2、Can she play the drums? No,_ A、he can B、she cant C、I cant D、he cant 3、Whos this? _my grandpa. A、Shes B、His C、Hes D、Its 4、This is my grandma. She_young in this picture. A、was B、is C、were D、are 5、What does he _? He_ PE. A、teacher,teach B、teach,teachers C、teach,teaches D、teacher,teacher (五)根据要求改写句子。 1、She drove a bus. 划线提问) 2、He playde Chinese music.(根据答语写问句) 3、Where did your mother work?(按实际情况回答) 4、father/ my /works/ a / in / hospital. 连词成句) 5、Im a student now.(划线提问) (六)根据提示完成句子。 1、She was a driver __ _ _ _ 以前是司机)。 2、——(什么音乐)did he play? 3、He worked _ _ _ 在办公室)。 4、 ——(做什么)you do before? 5、I can_ _ _ 吹笛子) (七)根据情景补全对话。 A:——did your grandpa work? B:—— —— ——in an office. A:Where did your grandma——? B:—— —in— a factory. B:My mother Module 2测试题 一、找出正确选项,使单词完整正确。 1、-em-ail(电子邮件) 2、sau__sage 香肠) 3、sa_ndwi_ch 三明治) 4、ha_ve 吃) 5、de_li_c_ious 美味的) 二、将下列名词变复数形式。1、family----families 2、fish-----fish 3、potato (三、完成下列词组。 1、在英国 ----- in england 2、吃早饭----- have breakfast 3、收到电子邮件 四、单项选择。 A 1、Look, I --got a pear.A、have B、has C、had B 2、A:Have you got _ email _ Amy? B:Yes, I have. A、an , to B、an , from C、a ,fron A 3、Yesterday he _ _ English breakfast. A、had , an B、has , an C、has, aB 4、A:What did she have _lunch? B:She _ eggs. A、for , has B、for, had C、for , haveC 5、I had _ and_. A、sandwich , an egg


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