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学校代码 10699 分 类 号 密 级 学 号题目 山东圣翰财贸职业学院 辅导员绩效考核体系研究作者 刘增华领域 工商管理 指 导 教 师 田庆锋 申请学位日期西 北 工 业 大 学
硕 士 学 位 论 文
(专业学位研究生)题目: 山东圣翰财贸职业学院辅导员绩效考核体系研究作 者: 刘增华领 域: 工商管理指导教师: 田庆锋 副教授摘要
为了激励辅导员工作的积极性,提高辅导员的业务素质,推进辅导员队伍向专业化、职业化发展,本论文以山东圣翰财贸职业学院为例,构建了 “一体一线,两翼发展”的体系框架。
“一体”指以“山东圣翰财贸职业学院辅导员考核办法”为主体,该考核办法主要从辅导员开展思想政治教育情况、学生上课出勤率、学生自习出勤率等七个方面对辅导工作进行考核评价;“一线”指以“360度考核评价”为主线,贯穿各种考核中。 “两翼发展”是以“山东圣翰财贸职业学院星级辅导员评定”和“山东圣翰财贸职业学院校级十佳辅导员评选”为两翼。“山东圣翰财贸职业学院星级辅导员评定”是侧重辅导员历年成绩的累加,对辅导员任职年限有一定要求。“山东圣翰财贸职业学院校级十佳辅导员评选”可以打破了辅导员的任职年限要求,侧重各考核月成绩的累加,凡是年度内工作突出的辅导员均有机会入选。
关键词:高校辅导员 绩效考核 360度考核
College students are the mainstay of the future society. However, there are still quite a few problems, such as interpersonal skills, employment, moral and ethical standards, emotion and psychology and so on. Strengthening and improving college students ideological and political education is the main way to solve these problems. Counselors, being indispensable members of the universitys staff, are the mainstay in strengthening and improving college students’ ideological and political level. With the deepening of higher education system reform, college students ideological and political education has showed the character of diversification. Counselors’ effective work and moving with the times is the key to solve all the problems. But at present there are some problems in colleges which dampen the enthusiasm of counselors. They are high-intensity, less money, low social approval, no sense of success and so on. Now Shan Dong Sheng Han Finance and Trade Vocational College is on the way to maturity. Evaluation of teachers is tending to maturity but college counselor management system is still needed improvement. Some colleges have carried through counselor performance evaluation system; however, there are still some problems in the field of theory and practice. So the work turned out to be a mere formality. Therefore, establishing and imp
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