小学英语课堂教学观察与评价 白云幻灯片.ppt

小学英语课堂教学观察与评价 白云幻灯片.ppt

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? Hi, my name is Bai Yun. I am from Shuiguohu NO.1 Primary School. I have taught a total of 15 years in English subjects in Wuhan. I was selected to represent my city to go to the University of Nottingham in England to study teaching methods. I was also awarded the “Excellent Teacher” Award in Wuhan. Id like to share my teaching experiences and methods with you, and I will be very glad to answer your letters and be your friend. 面向全体学生,注重素质教育 整体设计目标,体现灵活开放 突出学生主体,尊重个体差异 强调学习过程,倡导体验参与 注重过程评价,促进学生发展 开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道 总体设计 逻辑性 课堂管理 民主性 互动性 主体性 合作性 教学资源运用 教学方法有效性 教学评价 评价性 教师自身素质 示范性 指导性 1.Use English all the time . 2.Keep it simple. 3.Personalize, do not generalize. 4.Be responsive . 5.Be flexible . 6.Always have a reserve plan. 7.Treat each lesson separately. 8.Don’t waffle about grammar. 9.Stick to what you know . 10.Don’t ,in general, correct student’s mistake. Really listens to his students; Shows respect; Gives clear, positive feed back; Has a good sense of humor; Is patient; Knows his subject; Inspires confidence; Trusts people; Empathizes with Ss problems; Is well organized; Paces lessons well; Does not complicate things unnecessarily; Is enthusiastic and inspires enthusiasm; Can be authoritative(有权威的)without being distant Is honest, is approachable An average teachers TELLS. A good teacher EXPLAINS. A better teacher DEMONSTRATES. A great teacher INSPIRES. The best teacher must be a scholar, a guide, an instructor, but not a driver, a governor or even an officer. Let’s try to be great teachers! 要上好英语课以下三个要素牢记心头十分有必要: 参与——学习——活动 (Engage---Study---Activate) 不管知识点是什么,这三个要素应该在每一个教学环节中出现。那么Engage---Study---Activate 是什么意思? Engage: 参与:吸引学生十分重要。Engage 在这里指的是指让学生对所学科目、对课堂、对语言点感兴趣。希望他们乐学。为什么这一点很重要? 毕竟,学生们来学校是学习的而不是娱乐的。 Jeremy Harmer 说:如果学生被教师的教学所吸引,并真心地感兴趣地参与到课堂教学中,那么他们将学得很快、很好。因为他们不是因为在学校里不得不学,而是积极主动的参与到学习过程中。”让学生参与到学习过程中是十分重要的。因为参与到教学活动中的学


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