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bilateral: 双边的 multilateral: 多边的;多国的 contender: 竞争者;争夺者 ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations 东盟 Company Logo Notes: The ongoing blockbuster in Asia-Pacific is the clash of the FTAs; there are a dizzying, over 100 competing free-trade agreements currently in play. 亚太地区正在进行中的热闹场面就是自贸协定扎堆:令人眼花缭乱的100多个彼此冲突的自贸协定正在洽谈中。 Company Logo Paragraph 4 Negotiations at the World Trade Organization are, to put it mildly, a mess. So a lot of players resort to bilateral and somewhat multilateral FTAs. 世贸组织的谈判说得委婉点是一团糟。因此许多国家诉诸双边和算得上多边的自贸协定。 Company Logo Paragraph 4 Overall, the top contenders are the 16-nation, ASEAN-led Comprehensive Economic Partnership (which includes China) and the 12-nation, US-led Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which excludes China. 总体上,领先的竞争者是以东盟为首的全面经济伙伴关系(包括中国)中的16个国家和以美国为首的跨太平洋伙伴关系(不包括中国)中的12个国家。 Company Logo Paragraph 4 racket: 诈骗;勒索 tariff: 关税 across the spectrum: 全面地 to the benefit of: 有利于 multinational: n. 跨国公司 under the cover of:以…为借口;打着…幌子 dodgy: 狡猾的;狡诈的;可疑的 Company Logo Notes: Xi stressed over and over again that China favors one FTA to cover all of the Asia-Pacific. 习近平一再强调,中国主张用一个自贸协定覆盖所有亚太国家。 Company Logo Paragraph 5 And as far as Beijing is concerned, that won’t be TPP—which is essentially a major US corporate racket that will lower tariffs across the spectrum to the sole benefit of US multinationals and not small and medium-sized firms in developing countries, all this under the cover of a dodgy “highest free trade standard”. Company Logo Paragraph 5 就北京而言,那不会是跨太平洋伙伴关系。跨太平洋伙伴关系基本上就是美国的一个大骗局,全面降低关税来纯粹为美国跨国公司谋利而不是为发展中国家的中小企业谋利,而这一切都打着狡诈的“最高自贸标准”的幌子。 Company Logo Paragraph 5 stalwart: 忠实拥护者;坚定分子 vividly:生动地;历历在目地 undisputed:广为接受的;公认的 dictate:支配;摆布;决定 pivot:枢轴;以…为中心旋转 announce:宣布;宣告 secretary of state: (美)国务卿 the dawn of:开端;开始 Company Logo Notes: It gets curiouser and curiouser when one is reminded that APEC at the beginning was very much a US Asia policy stalwart. 当人们经提醒想起亚太经合组织最初是美国亚洲政策的坚定支持者时,情况就愈发匪夷所思了。 Company Logo


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