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图书分类号: 密 级: 毕业论文 扬州百家信房地产中介公司营销策略探讨 DISSCUSSION OF MARKETING STRATEGY OF YANGZHOU BAIJIAXIN REAL ESTATE BROKERAGE COMPANY 班 级 学 号 学生姓名 学院名称 专业名称 指导教师 年 月 日 摘要 随着房地产市场的发展,房产需求越来越多样化,房产二级市场也变得空前活跃,从事房地产中介服务的机构的竞争也趋于激烈。加上这几年高房价的不断涌现,政府的宏观调控手段不断对房地产的干预。位于扬州市的百家信房产中介公司要想走出一条属于自己的发展道路,就要不断提高机构的经营水平,扩大市场占有率,而这一切都必须在建立在营销策略上不断地改进与拓展。本文在国内外房地产中介理论研究成果的基础上,同时对百加信公司企业营销环境进行SWOT分析的基础上,通过7P服务营销理论对百家信现行的服务产品策略、价格策略、促销策略、渠道策略、人员管理策略、有形展示策略、沟通策略分别进行分析发现公司营销策略存在的不足并提出相应的改进策略,如产品策略里可以拓展的策略:除了可以收取佣金还可以增加附加服务。 关键词 房地产中介;营销策略;服务营销 Abstract With the development of the real estate market, people demand for more diverse housing, the real estate secondary market has become more active than ever, service agencies engaged in real estate brokerage tend to fierce competition. Coupled with the high prices of housing continue to emerge in recent years, the Governments macro-control continues to be taken to the intervention in real estate. If Baijiaxin real estate brokerage company which is located in Yangzhou want to find out their own development path, they must continuously improve the organization operating level, and expand market share, and all this must be based on marketing strategy to continuous improvement and expansion. This article is written based on the theory research of domestic and abroad about real estate brokerage company and combined with the company marketing environment SWOT analysis, which is based on the theory by 7P service marketing services to Baijiaxins current product strategy, pricing strategy, promotion strategy, channel strategy, personnel management strategy, the visible display strategy, communication strategy for analysis were found short comings in marketing strategy and the corresponding improvement strategies, such as product strategies that you can develop : in addition to a commission can also increase the additional Services services. Keywords : real estate b


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