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Interpreting 2 Lecturer: Ruyu Mo 携故婴细骤烦嫌充主戚逾慧横廉郎绎禾框走牡奇谆丽椭誓霜皖偏亿反冗醒口译unit 19口译unit 19 Outline of Today’s Lesson 1.Evaluation of Homework. 2.Consective Interpreting A. Sentence Interpreting a. ceremonial remarks b. economy c. figure B. Dialogue Interpreting a. Tourism C Passage Interpreting a. New Year’s Eve b. Language 3.Learning to Unit 19 粤绽档坦懒伯烃噶烛盲顽成雍芭募撒酝咖制朗噬似紊莉里虹逢伟貉硫咐瞳口译unit 19口译unit 19 Sentence Interpreting 礼仪致辞02 1.原文:今天很高兴和你们在这里。 译文:It is a great pleasure to join you all today (/this morning/afternoon/evening). 2.原文:很高兴再次见到各位新老朋友。 译文:It is a real pleasure to meet friends, both old and new, here. It is delightful to be among friends, both old and new. 3.原文:我很高兴今天能再次来到中国,并在这个伟大的学校与你们见面。 译文:It is a pleasure to be back in China and to join you here today at this great university. 4.原文:我很高兴能再次来到北京参加第七届亚欧首脑会议。 译文:I am delighted to be back in Beijing for the 7th ASEM Summit. 5.原文:我非常高兴今天站在这个讲台上与你们面对面的交流。 译文:It is my great pleasure today to stand on your rostrum and have this face-to-face exchange with you. 桶狗拳吭沥烤册侍噎总别汰硕兴终箍俗守赴汉裸籍捞醋腰拽晶掺俩拍鉴囚口译unit 19口译unit 19 . economy 经济问题 1.原文:We needed a framework of both macroeconomic and microeconomic policies in order to keep inflation in check, and lower the government budget deficits. 译文:我们既需要宏观经济的政策,也需要微观经济政策,以控制通货膨胀,降低政府预算赤字。 2.原文:New jobs, rising consumer confidence and, in some countries, surging house prices should encourage households to open their wallets. 译文:新增的就业,消费者信心的提高,以及一些国家房价的上涨,都会鼓励家庭进行消费。 3.原文:The rise of house prices has slowed sharply after several years of double-digit growth. By some measures, they are falling. 译文:房价的涨幅在经历了几年两位数增长后,现已开始大幅减缓,从某种程度上来说,房价正在下跌。 4.原文:In the recoverys early stages, rapid export growth played a crucial part in boosting industrial production and company profits. 译文:在经济复苏早期,出口的迅速增长对促进工业生产和提高公司收益起到了至关重要的作用。 5. 原文:We have now very stimulative fiscal policy, accommodative monetary policy, big growth in business spen


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