unit 2 passage B.ppt

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Passage B My First Job Lead-in Questions 1. Have you had any work experience? Words and Expressions 1.imbue[imbju:] v. fill with (sth, esp. a strong feeling or opinion) (esp. passive尤用于被动语态)灌输某种强烈情感或观念 搭配:imbue sb with sth(be imbued with) imbue sth in sb a people deeply imbued with national pride 内心充满自豪感的民族 Words and Expressions 2.concept n. a thought, idea, or understanding, principle观念 Eg: A small baby has no concept of right and wrong. 搭配:New Concept English《新概念英语》 ethical [eθik?l] concept伦理观念 fundamental strategic [str?tid??k] concept 基本战略思想 Words and Expressions 3.patriotism [p?tri?tizm] n. love for loyalty to one’s country 爱国精神,爱国主义 patriot [peitri?t] n.爱国者 patriotic[,p?tri?tik]?爱国的,有爱国心的 Words and Expressions 4.stress v. give particular importance to强调; call special attention to it n.压力,紧张;重要性;重音 Eg: He stressed that they must arrive punctually. The school lays stress on English. 搭配:under/driven by the stress of 为……所迫,为……所驱使 lay/place/put stress on/upon… 着重于……;把重点放在…… Words and Expressions 5.discount n. a reduction made in the cost of buying goods折扣;低估 Eg: We give 10% discount for cash (payment). Students may get a discount on train fares. 学生可获得打折车票。 搭配:discount store廉价商店,批发店 at a discount打折出售 discount price折扣价 扩展:discountable可打折的 Words and Expressions 6.by hand: by a person, not a machine手工地 Eg: These baskets are made by hand. 搭配:hand in上交,递交 hand out分发 hand over转让 give sb a hand帮某人 shake hands with sb握手 at hand在手边,手头有 hand in hand手牵手 Words and Expressions 7.discipline[disiplin] n. a state of order and control gained as a result of the training to produce obedience and self-control纪律 v.训练 n. self-discipline自律 Eg: It takes years of discipline to become a pianist. 要成为钢琴家需经多年训练。 Parents have to discipline their children. 为人父母须管教子女。 搭配:observe/tighten discipline


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