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4.他设法在两年内还清了所有债 He managed to pay off his debts in two years. 5.____________________, but he said he would go on trying until he succeeded. 他又失败了一次,但他说他会继续努力直到成功。 6. 雨水对植物大有好处。 The rain is of great benefit to the plants. 7.我已经节食两个月了,而且我已经减了6公斤了。 I’ve been dieting for two months and I’ve lost 6 kilos. 8. ___________________________, you can have a better view of the city. 站在山顶上, 你能更好地看到这个城市。 9. 我觉得没有什么比旅游更令人高兴。 I think nothing is more pleasant than traveling. 10.那些撒谎和欺骗别人的人绝对逃不过惩罚。 Those who lie and cheat will never get away with it. * 1.He _________________(感到失意)and angry. 2.We at last ______________________________. (把敌人驱逐出我们的国家) 3.I won’t have you ___________________ (不因某事受惩罚)cheating in the exam. 选择恰当的词组完成下列各句。 getting away with feels frustrated drove the enemy out of our country 4.He was so lucky to _____________ a fine for such a serious mistake. 5.He tried his best to____________________ (赢回失去的钱). 6.If you don’t have breakfast and you eat too much at lunch or supper,you are sure to __________________ . put on weight get away with win his lost money back 7.It is too early to tell whether _________ (削减) the cost of production will benefit the company workers or not. 8.Don’t worry.I shall visit you again____ _________________. before long cutting down 9.David ________________ by writing articles for newspapers. 10.Here are some ideas as to how to _____ ________ fast if you think you are overweight. weight earns his living lose 3. 他们只能讨论这两个题目。(limit) 2. 他对在国外的生活厌烦了, 正考虑回中国定居。(tired of) He has got tired of living abroad and he is considering going back to settle in China. They were limited to a discussion of these two topics. 根据汉语翻译或完成下列句子 David earns his living by writing articles for newspapers. 1. 大卫以给报社写稿子为生。(earn one’s living) He failed a second time Standing on the top of the hill *


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